Bryan K. Saville
Affiliations: | Psychology | James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, United States |
"Bryan Saville"Cross-listing: Neurotree - UNCW Tree
Sign in to add mentorAnthony Marcattilio | grad student | St. Cloud State University | ||
William Buskist | grad student | 2002 | Auburn University | |
(Performance and choice under competitive and self -competitive fixed -interval schedules of reinforcement.) |
Sign in to add traineeNicole (Capik) Crowley | research assistant | UNC Wilmington (Neurotree) |
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Saville BK, Bureau A, Eckenrode C, et al. (2014) Interteaching and lecture: A comparison of Long-Term recognition memory Teaching of Psychology. 41: 325-329 |
Dunn DS, Saville BK, Baker SC, et al. (2013) Evidence-based teaching: Tools and techniques that promote learning in the psychology classroom Australian Journal of Psychology. 65: 5-13 |
Saville BK, Pope D, Lovaas P, et al. (2012) Interteaching and the Testing Effect: A Systematic Replication Teaching of Psychology. 39: 280-283 |
Lambert T, Saville BK. (2012) Interteaching and the Testing Effect: A Preliminary Analysis Teaching of Psychology. 39: 194-198 |
Saville BK, Pope D, Truelove J, et al. (2012) The relation between GPA and exam performance during interteaching and lecture. The Behavior Analyst Today. 13: 27-31 |
Saville BK, Cox T, O'Brien S, et al. (2011) Interteaching: the impact of lectures on student performance. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 44: 937-41 |
Saville BK, Lambert T, Robertson S. (2011) Interteaching: Bringing behavioral education into the 21st century Psychological Record. 61: 153-166 |
Saville BK, Zinn TE, Brown AR, et al. (2010) Syllabus detail and students' perceptions of teacher effectiveness Teaching of Psychology. 37: 186-189 |
Saville BK, Gisbert A, Kopp J, et al. (2010) Internet addiction and delay discounting in college students Psychological Record. 60: 273-286 |
Saville BK. (2009) 2009 Teaching Award Winners Teaching of Psychology. 36: 225-232 |