Susanne Schuett, Ph.D.

Psychology Durham University, Durham, England, United Kingdom 
Eye-movements, hemianopia
"Susanne Schuett"
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Rayner K, Yang J, Schuett S, et al. (2014) The effect of foveal and parafoveal masks on the eye movements of older and younger readers. Psychology and Aging. 29: 205-12
Hilbert S, Nakagawa TT, Schuett S, et al. (2014) Mirror reading of words and numbers: Practice and transfer effects Visual Cognition. 22: 173-192
Rayner K, Yang J, Schuett S, et al. (2013) Eye movements of older and younger readers when reading unspaced text. Experimental Psychology. 60: 354-61
Schuett S, Zihl J. (2013) Does age matter? Age and rehabilitation of visual field disorders after brain injury. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 49: 1001-12
Schuett S, Zihl J. (2012) [Disorders of visual perception]. Der Nervenarzt. 83: 1053-64
Schuett S, Heywood CA, Kentridge RW, et al. (2012) Rehabilitation of reading and visual exploration in visual field disorders: transfer or specificity? Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 135: 912-21
Schuett S, Dauner R, Zihl J. (2011) Line bisection in unilateral homonymous visual field defects. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 47: 47-52
Zihl J, Zihl JA, Schuett S. (2011) Entwicklungsneuropsychologie des Sehens FrüHföRderung InterdisziplinäR. 30: 213-223
Schuett S. (2009) The rehabilitation of hemianopic dyslexia. Nature Reviews. Neurology. 5: 427-37
Schuett S, Kentridge RW, Zihl J, et al. (2009) Adaptation of eye-movements to simulated hemianopia in reading and visual exploration: Transfer or specificity? Neuropsychologia. 47: 1712-20
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