Jean-Marie N. Maddux, Ph.D.

Psychology The University of New South Wales, Australia 
appetitive learning, Pavlovian conditioning, operant conditioning, prefrontal cortex
"Jean-Marie Maddux"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Peter C. Holland grad student 2002-2009 Johns Hopkins (Neurotree)
 (The roles of rat medial prefronal cortex subregions in attention for action and attention for learning.)
Simon Killcross post-doc 2008- University of New South Wales (Neurotree)
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Lacroix F, Pettorelli A, Maddux JN, et al. (2016) Varenicline Reduces Context-Induced Relapse to Alcohol-Seeking through Actions in the Nucleus Accumbens. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
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