Mark J. Steedman, PhD
Affiliations: | School of Informatics | University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom |
"Mark Steedman"Parents
Sign in to add mentorHugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins | grad student | University of Sussex (Chemistry Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeMatthew Stone | grad student | (Computer Science Tree) | |
Gerry T.M. Altmann | grad student | 1986- | Edinburgh |
Frank Keller | grad student | 2000 | Edinburgh (LinguisTree) |
Jason M. Baldridge | grad student | 2002 | Edinburgh (LinguisTree) |
Julia Hockenmaier | grad student | 2003 | Edinburgh (Computer Science Tree) |
Chris Callison-Burch | grad student | 2008 | Edinburgh (Computer Science Tree) |
Siva Reddy | grad student | 2012-2017 | Edinburgh (Neurotree) |
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Stanojević M, Brennan JR, Dunagan D, et al. (2023) Modeling Structure-Building in the Brain With CCG Parsing and Large Language Models. Cognitive Science. 47: e13312 |
Stanojević M, Steedman M. (2021) Formal Basis of a Language Universal Computational Linguistics. 47: 9-42 |
Christodouloupoulos C, Steedman M. (2020) A massively parallel corpus: the Bible in 100 languages. Language Resources and Evaluation. 49: 375-395 |
Ambati BR, Deoskar T, Steedman M. (2018) Hindi CCGbank: A CCG treebank from the Hindi dependency treebank. Language Resources and Evaluation. 52: 67-100 |
Hosseini MJ, Chambers N, Reddy S, et al. (2018) Learning Typed Entailment Graphs with Global Soft Constraints Transactions of the Association For Computational Linguistics. 6: 703-717 |
Abend O, Kwiatkowski T, Smith NJ, et al. (2017) Bootstrapping language acquisition. Cognition. 164: 116-143 |
McLeod A, Schramm R, Steedman M, et al. (2017) Automatic Transcription of Polyphonic Vocal Music Applied Sciences. 7: 1285 |
Steedman M. (2017) The Emergence of Language Mind & Language. 32: 579-590 |
Reddy S, Täckström O, Collins M, et al. (2016) Transforming Dependency Structures to Logical Forms for Semantic Parsing Transactions of the Association For Computational Linguistics. 4: 127-140 |
McLeod A, Steedman M. (2016) HMM-Based Voice Separation of MIDI Performance Journal of New Music Research. 45: 17-26 |