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Hans-Lukas Teuber

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
neuropsychology, double dissociation of function
"Hans-Lukas Teuber"

Founded MIT Department of Psychology in 1964

died January 4, 1977 at age 60

Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Gordon W. Allport grad student 1947
Morris Bender post-doc (Neurotree)


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James R. Lackner grad student MIT (Neurotree)
Rita G. Rudel grad student Columbia
Larry R. Squire grad student MIT (Neurotree)
Gerald S. Wasserman grad student MIT (Neurotree)
Sidney Weinstein grad student New York Medical College (Neurotree)
Joseph Altman grad student 1959 NYU (Neurotree)
Stephan L Chorover grad student 1960 NYU (Neurotree)
Whitman Richards grad student 1965 MIT (Neurotree)
Charles Gross post-doc MIT (Neurotree)
Mortimer Mishkin post-doc MIT (Neurotree)
Herbert G. Vaughan, Jnr. post-doc MIT (Neurotree)
Peter H. Schiller post-doc 1962-1963 MIT (Neurotree)
Ernst Poeppel post-doc 1972-1974 MIT (Neurotree)
Suzanne Corkin research scientist MIT (Neurotree)
Tom Twitchell research scientist MIT (Neurotree)
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Teuber HL. (2009) The riddle of frontal lobe function in man. 1964. Neuropsychology Review. 19: 25-46
Teuber HL, Rudel RG. (2008) Behaviour after cerebral lesions in children and adults. 1962. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 50: 324
Woods BT, Teuber HL. (1978) Changing patterns of childhood aphasia. Annals of Neurology. 3: 273-80
Teuber HL. (1975) Recovery of function after brain injury in man. Ciba Foundation Symposium. 159-90
Rudel RG, Teuber HL. (1975) Comment on "Human Information Processing and Sensory Modality: Cross-Modal Functions, Information Complexity, Memory, and Deficit" Psychological Bulletin. 82: 947
Rudel RG, Teuber HL, Twitchell TE. (1974) Levels of impairment of sensori-motor functions in children with early brain damage. Neuropsychologia. 12: 95-108
Lackner JR, Teuber HL. (1973) Alterations in auditory fusion thresholds after cerebral injury in man. Neuropsychologia. 11: 409-15
Koerner F, Teuber HL. (1973) Visual field defects after missile injuries to the geniculo-striate pathway in man. Experimental Brain Research. 18: 88-113
Rudel RG, Teuber HL. (1971) Spatial orientation in normal children and in children with early brain injury. Neuropsychologia. 9: 401-7
Rudel RG, Teuber HL. (1971) Pattern recognition within and acrosss sensory modalities in normal and brain-injured children. Neuropsychologia. 9: 389-99
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