Edward F. Zigler, PhD

Psychology Yale University, New Haven, CT 
Developmental Psychology
"Edward Zigler"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Harold W. Stevenson grad student 1958 UT Austin
 (The effect of pre-institutional social deprivation on the performance of feebleminded children.)


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Thomas Achenbach research assistant 1962 (Neurotree)
J Lawrence (Larry) Aber grad student Yale (Neurotree)
Joseph P Allen grad student Yale (Neurotree)
Jacob A. Burack grad student McGill
Amanda E. Guyer grad student (Neurotree)
Robert Michael Hodapp grad student
Elliot Turiel grad student 1965 Yale (Neurotree)
Mark Lepper grad student 1970 Yale
Deborah A. Phillips grad student 1976-1981 Yale (Neurotree)
Suniya Luthar grad student 1984-1989 Yale (Neurotree)
Johanna Freedman grad student 2000 Yale (Neurotree)
Linda H. Rammler grad student 2000 Yale (Neurotree)
Christopher C. Henrich grad student 2001 Yale (Neurotree)
Stephanie M. Jones grad student 2002 Yale (Neurotree)
Crista M. Wheeler grad student 2002 Yale (Neurotree)
Amanda E. Schweder grad student 2003 Yale (Neurotree)
Katherine W. Marsland grad student 2005 Yale (Neurotree)
Misty M. Ginicola grad student 2006 Yale (Neurotree)
David W. Evans post-doc Yale
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Ginicola M, Finn-Stevenson M, Zigler E. (2013) The Added Value of the School of the 21st Century When Combined With a Statewide Preschool Program American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 83: 89-93
Burack JA, Hodapp RM, Iarocci G, et al. (2012) On Knowing More: Future Issues for Developmental Approaches to Understanding Persons with Intellectual Disability The Oxford Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Development
Burack JA, Russo N, Flores H, et al. (2012) The More You Know the Less You Know, But That's OK: Developments in the Developmental Approach to Intellectual Disability The Oxford Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Development
Burack JA, Hodapp RM, Iarocci G, et al. (2012) The Oxford Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Development The Oxford Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Development. 1-432
Burack JA, Hodapp RM, Iarocci G, et al. (2012) Preface The Oxford Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Development
Mahoney JL, Parente ME, Zigler EF. (2009) Afterschool Programs in America: Origins, Growth, Popularity, and Politics Journal of Youth Development. 4: 23-42
Zigler E, Pfannenstiel JC, Seitz V. (2008) The parents as teachers program and school success: A replication and extension Journal of Primary Prevention. 29: 103-120
Zigler E, Finn-Stevenson M. (2007) From research to policy and practice: The School of the 21st Century American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 77: 175-181
Sosinsky LS, Lord H, Zigler E. (2007) For-profit/nonprofit differences in center-based child care quality: Results from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 28: 390-410
Henrich CC, Wheeler CM, Zigler EF. (2005) Motivation as a Facet of School Readiness in a Head Start Sample Nhsa Dialog. 8: 72-87
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