Jeffrey Stephen Chrabaszcz, PhD

"Jeffrey Chrabaszcz"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Philip Moore research assistant 2004-2008 George Washington University
Michael Dougherty grad student 2010-2016 University of Maryland
Cleotilde Gonzalez post-doc 2016-2017 Carnegie Mellon (Neurotree)
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Chrabaszcz JS, Tidwell JW, Dougherty MR. (2017) Crowdsourcing prior information to improve study design and data analysis. Plos One. 12: e0188246
Tidwell JW, Dougherty MR, Chrabaszcz JS, et al. (2017) Order-constrained linear optimization. The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
Gonzalez C, Qi L, Sriwattanakomen N, et al. (2017) Graphical features of flow behavior and the stock and flow failure System Dynamics Review. 33: 59-70
Anderson LC, Rice K, Chrabaszcz J, et al. (2016) Tracking the Neurodevelopmental Correlates of Mental State Inference in Early Childhood. Developmental Neuropsychology. 1-16
Dougherty MR, Thomas RP, Brown RP, et al. (2015) An Introduction to the General Monotone Model with Application to Two Problematic Data Sets Sociological Methodology. 45: 223-271
Moore PJ, Chrabaszcz JS, Peterson RA, et al. (2014) Psychological resilience: the impact of affectivity and coping on state anxiety and positive emotions during and after the Washington, DC sniper killings. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping. 27: 138-55
Sprenger AM, Atkins SM, Bolger DJ, et al. (2013) Training working memory: Limits of transfer Intelligence. 41: 638-663
Chrabaszcz J, Dougherty M. (2012) Deliberations on Unconscious thought Theory. Frontiers in Psychology. 3: 350
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