Dolores Albarracin, Ph.D.

"Dolores Albarracin"


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Martin Fishbein grad student 1994 UIUC
Robert S. Wyer grad student 1997 UIUC


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Allison Earl grad student UIUC (Neurotree)
G. Tarcan Kumkale grad student 2004 UF Gainesville
Penny S. McNatt grad student 2005 UF Gainesville
Stephanie L. DeMora post-doc Penn (PoliSci Tree)
Ian M. Handley post-doc 2005 UIUC
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Zhang AL, Liu S, White BX, et al. (2024) Health-promotion interventions targeting multiple behaviors: A meta-analytic review of general and behavior-specific processes of change. Psychological Bulletin
DeMora SL, Granados Samayoa JA, Albarracín D. (2024) Social media use and vaccination among Democrats and Republicans: Informational and normative influences. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 352: 117031
Albarracin D, Schwarz N. (2024) The Psychological Science of Pandemics: Contributions to and Recommendations for Social, Educational, and Health Policy. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 17456916231216113
Albarracin D, Oyserman D, Schwarz N. (2024) Health Communication and Behavioral Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 17456916231215272
Dai W, Albarracín D. (2022) It's time to do more research on the attitude-behavior relation: A commentary on implicit attitude measures. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Cognitive Science. e1602
Albarracin D, Sunderrajan A, McCulloch KC, et al. (2020) Mistaking an Intention for a Behavior: The Case of Enacting Behavioral Decisions Versus Simply Intending to Enact Them. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167220929203
Dai W, Palmer R, Sunderrajan A, et al. (2020) More behavioral recommendations produce more change: A meta-analysis of efficacy of multibehavior recommendations to reduce nonmedical substance use. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors
Lu H, Winneg K, et al. (2020) Intentions to Seek Information About the Influenza Vaccine: The Role of Informational Subjective Norms, Anticipated and Experienced Affect, and Information Insufficiency Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated People. Risk Analysis : An Official Publication of the Society For Risk Analysis
Lohmann S, Jones CR, Albarracín D. (2019) The Modulating Role of Self-Posed Questions in Repeated Choice: Integral and Incidental Questions Can Increase or Decrease Behavioral Rigidity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 85
Jiang D, Albarracín D. (2019) Acting by a deadline: The interplay between deadline distance and movement induced goals Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 85: 103852
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