Sarah Shomstein, PhD

Psychology George Washington University, Washington, DC, United States 
"Sarah Shomstein"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Steven Yantis grad student 1998-2003 Johns Hopkins
 (Multimodal control of selective attention: The role of parietal cortex during attentional shifts.)
Marlene Behrmann post-doc Carnegie Mellon


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Alexander Etz research assistant UC Irvine (Neurotree)
Anna Byers research assistant 2007-2009 UCSD (Neurotree)
Ian Donovan research assistant 2010-2012 George Washington University (Neurotree)
Paul S Scotti research assistant 2014-2017 The George Washington University (Neurotree)
Breana Carter grad student George Washington University
Andrew Collegio grad student 2013- George Washington University (Neurotree)
Sanika Paranjape grad student 2021- The George Washington University (Neurotree)
Leslie Drummond grad student 2012 The George Washington University (Neurotree)
Jeongmi Lee grad student 2013 The George Washington University
Joseph Nah grad student 2014-2019 George Washington University (Neurotree)
Dick Dubbelde grad student 2017-2022 The George Washington University (Neurotree)
Sanweda Mahagabin grad student 2024-2029 George Washington University (Neurotree)
Stephen Adamo post-doc The George Washington University (Neurotree)
George Malcolm post-doc George Washington University (Neurotree)
Selene Schintu post-doc (Neurotree)
Summer L. Sheremata post-doc George Washington University (Neurotree)
Xiaoli Zhang post-doc 2020-2023 George Washington University (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Ngiam W, Geng JJ, Shomstein S. (2024) Editorial for Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Nah JC, Malcolm GL, Shomstein S. (2024) Task-irrelevant semantic relationship between objects and scene influence attentional allocation. Scientific Reports. 14: 13175
Wegner-Clemens K, Malcolm GL, Shomstein S. (2024) Predicting attentional allocation in real-world environments: The need to investigate crossmodal semantic guidance. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Cognitive Science. e1675
Teng C, Kaplan SM, Shomstein S, et al. (2023) Assessing the interaction between working memory and perception through time. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 85: 2196-2209
Curby KM, Teichmann L, Peterson MA, et al. (2023) Holistic processing is modulated by the probability that parts contain task-congruent information. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Sheremata S, Malcolm GL, Shomstein S. (2022) Behavioral asymmetries in visual short-term memory occur in retinotopic coordinates. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Schintu S, Gotts SJ, Freedberg M, et al. (2022) Effective connectivity underlying neural and behavioral components of prism adaptation. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 915260
Dubbelde D, Shomstein S. (2022) Mugs and Plants: Object Semantic Knowledge Alters Perceptual Processing With Behavioral Ramifications. Psychological Science. 9567976221097497
Wegner-Clemens K, Malcolm GL, Shomstein S. (2022) How much is a cow like a meow? A novel database of human judgements of audiovisual semantic relatedness. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 84: 1317-1327
Shomstein S, Zhang X, Dubbelde D. (2022) Attention and platypuses. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Cognitive Science. e1600
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