Nalini Ambady

Tufts University, Boston 
thin slices, nonverbal communication, dialect theory
"Nalini Ambady"
Mean distance: 14.67 (cluster 8)


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Kristin Bellanca grad student Tufts
Joan Y. Chiao grad student Harvard
Susan Choi grad student Harvard
Debbie La Plante grad student Harvard
Michael Slepian grad student Tufts
Elsie Wang grad student Tufts
Maria Barth grad student 2010- Tufts
Jennifer A. Richeson grad student 2000 Harvard
Margaret J. Shih grad student 2000 Harvard
Hillary A. Elfenbein grad student 2001 Harvard
Debi A. LaPlante grad student 2001 Harvard
Jennifer R. Steele grad student 2003 Harvard
Abigail A. Marsh grad student 2004 Harvard
Heather M. Gray grad student 2006 Harvard
Kristin J. Pauker grad student 2004-2009 Tufts
Nicholas O. Rule grad student 2010 Tufts
Negin R. Toosi grad student 2011 Tufts
Kathleen R. Bogart grad student 2012 Tufts
Jon Freeman grad student 2007-2012 Tufts
Mary A. Todgham grad student 2013 Tufts
Reg Adams post-doc Harvard
Anne Krendl post-doc
Annette Schmid post-doc Tufts
Brent L. Hughes post-doc 2012- Stanford
E.J. Masicampo post-doc 2010-2011 Tufts
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Weisbuch M, Pauker K, Adams RB, et al. (2017) Race, Power, and Reflexive Gaze Following Social Cognition. 35: 619-638
Rattan A, Steele J, Ambady N. (2017) Identical applicant but different outcomes: The impact of gender versus race salience in hiring Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 22: 80-97
Hughes BL, Zaki J, Ambady N. (2016) Motivation alters impression formation and related neural systems. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Hughes BL, Ambady N, Zaki J. (2016) Trusting outgroup, but not ingroup members, requires control: Neural and behavioral evidence. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Rule NO, Bjornsdottir RT, Tskhay KO, et al. (2016) Subtle Perceptions of Male Sexual Orientation Influence Occupational Opportunities. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Weisbuch M, Grunberg RL, Slepian ML, et al. (2016) Perceptions of Variability in Facial Emotion Influence Beliefs About the Stability of Psychological Characteristics. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Sawaoka T, Hughes BL, Ambady N. (2015) Power Heightens Sensitivity to Unfairness Against the Self. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin
Krendl AC, Ambady N, Kensinger EA. (2015) The dissociable effects of stereotype threat on older adults' memory encoding and retrieval. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 4: 103-109
Slepian ML, Masicampo EJ, Ambady N. (2015) Cognition from on high and down low: Verticality and construal level. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 108: 1-17
Freeman JB, Ma Y, Barth M, et al. (2015) The neural basis of contextual influences on face categorization. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 25: 415-22
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