Daniel Kahneman

1961-1978 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 
 1978-1986 Psychology University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
 1986-1994 Psychology University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
 1993- Psychology Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
decision making, behavioral economics
"Daniel Kahneman"

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2002 was divided equally between Daniel Kahneman for having integrated insights from psychological research into economic science, especially concerning human judgment and decision-making under uncertainty and Vernon L. Smith for having established laboratory experiments as a tool in empirical economic analysis, especially in the study of alternative market mechanisms.
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Cross-listing: Neurotree - Econometree


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Susan M. Ervin-Tripp grad student 1961 UC Berkeley
 (An Analytical Model of the Semantic Differential.)
Edwin Ernest Ghiselli grad student 1961 UC Berkeley


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Dale W Griffin research assistant
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin research assistant (Neurotree)
Johannes Frasnelli grad student Princeton (Neurotree)
Marcia Grabowecky grad student Northwestern (Neurotree)
Avishai Henik grad student Hebrew University (Neurotree)
Michael Kubovy grad student Hebrew University
Charles A. Schreiber grad student UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Carol Varey grad student 1986-1991 UBC
Ziv Carmon grad student 1993 UC Berkeley
Nathan Novemsky grad student 2000 Princeton (Neurotree)
Maggie Chu grad student 2011-2013 Princeton (Econometree)
Shane Frederick post-doc (Neurotree)
Barbara L. Fredrickson post-doc UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Jeff T. Larsen post-doc 2001-2002
Carey K. Morewedge post-doc 2006-2007 Princeton (Neurotree)


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Amos Tversky collaborator Stanford
Peter Shizgal collaborator 1997-2001 Princeton (Neurotree)
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Meyer A, Attali Y, Bar-Hillel M, et al. (2024) Cognitive reflection is a distinct and measurable trait. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2409191121
Killingsworth MA, Kahneman D, Mellers B. (2024) Reply to Rohrer and Wenz and Arslan: The association between income and emotional well-being. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2322160121
Killingsworth MA, Kahneman D, Mellers B. (2023) Income and emotional well-being: A conflict resolved. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2208661120
McGraw AP, Larsen JT, Kahneman D, et al. (2010) Comparing gains and losses. Psychological Science. 21: 1438-45
Morewedge CK, Kahneman D. (2010) Associative processes in intuitive judgment. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 14: 435-40
Frederick S, Kahneman D, Mochon D. (2010) Elaborating a simpler theory of anchoring Journal of Consumer Psychology. 20: 17-19
Kahneman D, Klein G. (2009) Conditions for intuitive expertise: a failure to disagree. The American Psychologist. 64: 515-26
Dolan P, Kahneman D. (2008) Interpretations of utility and their implications for the valuation of health Economic Journal. 118: 215-234
Kahneman D, Frederick S. (2007) Frames and brains: elicitation and control of response tendencies. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 11: 45-6
Kahneman D, Thaler RH. (2006) Anomalies: Utility maximization and experienced utility Journal of Economic Perspectives. 20: 221-234
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