James P. Thomas

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
visual psychophysics
"James Thomas"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Tom N. Cornsweet grad student 1962 UC Berkeley
Lorrin Riggs post-doc 1962-1963 Brown (Neurotree)


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Lynn A. Olzak grad student UCLA
Miguel Eckstein grad student 1990-1994 UCLA (Neurotree)
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Thomas JP, Knoblauch K. (2005) Frequency and phase contributions to the detection of temporal luminance modulation. Journal of the Optical Society of America. a, Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 22: 2257-61
Olzak LA, Thomas JP. (2003) Dual nonlinearities regulate contrast sensitivity in pattern discrimination tasks. Vision Research. 43: 1433-42
Shimozaki SS, Thomas JP, Eckstein MP. (2001) Effects of luminance oscillations on simulated lightness discriminations. Perception & Psychophysics. 63: 1048-62
Thomas JP, Olzak LA. (2001) Spatial phase sensitivity of mechanisms mediating discrimination of small orientation differences. Journal of the Optical Society of America. a, Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 18: 2197-203
Thomas JP, Magnussen S, Greenlee MW. (2000) What limits simultaneous discrimination accuracy? Vision Research. 40: 3169-72
Eckstein MP, Thomas JP, Palmer J, et al. (2000) A signal detection model predicts the effects of set size on visual search accuracy for feature, conjunction, triple conjunction, and disjunction displays. Perception & Psychophysics. 62: 425-51
Shimozaki SS, Eckstein M, Thomas JP. (1999) The maintenance of apparent luminance of an object. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 25: 1433-53
Thomas JP, Fagerholm P, Bonnet C. (1999) One spatial filter limits speed of detecting low and middle frequency gratings. Vision Research. 39: 1683-93
Olzak LA, Thomas JP. (1999) Neural recoding in human pattern vision: model and mechanisms. Vision Research. 39: 231-56
Shimozaki SS, Greenlee MW, Thomas JP, et al. (1998) Color memory with a changing illuminant: An fMRI-psychophysical comparison study Neuroimage. 7: S316
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