Nicholas Dickon Reppucci, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 1968-1976 | Yale University, New Haven, CT | |
1976- | Psychology | University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA |
Children and LawWebsite:
"N. Dickon Reppucci"Bio:
Co-Director, Center for Children, Families and the Law
Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorJerome Kagan | grad student | 1968 | Harvard (Neurotree) | |
(Antecedents of conceptual tempo in the two year old child.) | ||||
Seymour Sarason | research scientist | |||
(Mentor during first faculty position) |
Sign in to add traineeGabriel Kuperminc | grad student | UVA (Neurotree) | |
Carol S. Dweck | grad student | 1967-1972 | Yale |
Steven Reiss | grad student | 1977 | Yale |
Edward P. Mulvey | grad student | 1983 | UVA |
Mark S. Aber | grad student | 1989 | UVA (Theology Tree) |
Sarah Lynn Cook | grad student | 1998 | UVA |
Deborah J. Land | grad student | 2000 | UVA (Neurotree) |
Frances J. Lexcen | grad student | 2000 | UVA (Neurotree) |
Camille L. Preston | grad student | 2000 | UVA (Neurotree) |
Carrie F. Mulford | grad student | 2004 | UVA (Neurotree) |
Lisa Trivits | grad student | 2005 | UVA (Neurotree) |
Mandi L. Burnette | grad student | 2006 | UVA (Neurotree) |
Erin L. Sutfin | grad student | 2006 | UVA (Neurotree) |
Preeti Chauhan | grad student | 2009 | UVA (Neurotree) |
Jessica O. Kostelnik | grad student | 2010 | UVA (Neurotree) |
Barbara A. Oudekerk | grad student | 2011 | UVA (Neurotree) |
BETA: Related publications
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Vidal S, Oudekerk BA, Reppucci ND, et al. (2015) Examining the Link Between Perceptions of Relationship Quality With Parole Officers and Recidivism Among Female Youth Parolees Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 13: 60-76 |
Oudekerk BA, Guarnera LA, Reppucci ND. (2014) Older opposite-sex romantic partners, sexual risk, and victimization in adolescence. Child Abuse & Neglect. 38: 1238-48 |
Chauhan P, Ragbeer SN, Burnette ML, et al. (2014) Comparing the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI) and the Psychopathy Checklist-Youth Version (PCL-YV) among offending girls. Assessment. 21: 181-94 |
Henneberger AK, Oudekerk BA, Reppucci ND, et al. (2014) Differential Subtypes of Offending Among Adolescent Girls Predict Health and Criminality in Adulthood Criminal Justice and Behavior. 41: 181-195 |
Oudekerk BA, Farr RH, Reppucci ND. (2013) Is it love or sexual abuse? Young adults' perceptions of statutory rape. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 22: 858-77 |
Oudekerk BA, Erbacher MK, Reppucci ND. (2012) A comparison of diversity, frequency, and severity self-reported offending scores among female offending youth. Psychological Assessment. 24: 738-50 |
Oudekerk BA, Chauhan P, Reppucci ND. (2012) Risk and Protective Factors for Educational Achievement Among Serious Offending Girls Journal of Research On Adolescence. 22: 333-349 |
Oudekerk BA, Erbacher MK, Reppucci ND. (2012) "A comparison of diversity, frequency, and severity self-reported offending scores among female offending youth": Correction to Oudekerk, Erbacher, and Reppucci (2012). Psychological Assessment. 24: 750-750 |
Oudekerk BA, Reppucci ND. (2011) Reducing Recidivism and Violence Among Offending Youth Using Social Science to Reduce Violent Offending |
Reppucci ND, Meyer JR, Kostelnik JO. (2011) Tales of Terror from Juvenile Justice and Education Empowering Settings and Voices For Social Change |