Darrin R. Lehman, PhD
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
"Darrin Lehman"Children
Sign in to add traineeIlan Dar-Nimrod | grad student | UBC | |
Steven J. Heine | grad student | UBC | |
Paul Wehr | grad student | UBC | |
Chris G. Davis | grad student | 1989-1995 | UBC |
David R. Mandel | grad student | 1996 | |
Roger G. Tweed | grad student | 2000 | UBC |
Nichole Fairbrother | grad student | 2002 | UBC |
Katherine White | grad student | 2003 | UBC |
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Tweed RG, Biswas-Diener R, Lehman DR. (2012) Self-perceived strengths among people who are homeless. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 7: 481-492 |
Dar-Nimrod I, Hansen IG, Proulx T, et al. (2012) Coolness: An empirical investigation Journal of Individual Differences. 33: 175-185 |
Dar-Nimrod I, Rawn CD, Lehman DR, et al. (2009) The Maximization Paradox: The costs of seeking alternatives Personality and Individual Differences. 46: 631-635 |
Roney CJR, Lehman DR. (2008) Self-regulation in goal striving: Individual differences and situational moderators of the goal-framing/performance link Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 38: 2691-2709 |
White K, Lehman DR, Hemphill KJ, et al. (2006) Causal attributions, perceived control, and psychological adjustment: A study of chronic fatigue syndrome Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 36: 75-99 |
White K, Lehman DR, Cohen D. (2006) Culture, self-construal, and affective reactions to successful and unsuccessful others Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 42: 582-592 |
White K, Lehman DR. (2005) Looking on the bright side: downward counterfactual thinking in response to negative life events. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 31: 1413-24 |
White K, Lehman DR. (2005) Culture and social comparison seeking: the role of self-motives. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 31: 232-42 |
Lehman DR, Chiu CY, Schaller M. (2004) Psychology and culture. Annual Review of Psychology. 55: 689-714 |
Tweed RG, White K, Lehman DR. (2004) Culture, stress, and coping: Internally- and externally-targeted control strategies of European Canadians, East Asian Canadians, and Japanese Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 35: 652-668 |