Kathleen M. Eberhard
Affiliations: | University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United States |
Cognitive Psychology, General LanguageWebsite:
"Kathleen M. Eberhard"Parents
Sign in to add mentorGary Dell | research assistant | 1985-1988 | Rochester |
Kathryn L. Bock | grad student | 1989-1993 | Michigan State |
Thomas G. Bever | post-doc | 1993-1996 | Rochester |
Michael K. Tanenhaus | post-doc | 1993-1996 | Rochester (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add traineeJulie K. Potter | grad student | 2001 | Notre Dame (Neurotree) |
Susan M. Gundersen | grad student | 2013 | Notre Dame (Neurotree) |
Won Jae Shin | grad student | 2014 | Notre Dame |
Abbie Thompson | post-doc | 2019 | (LinguisTree) |
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Gervits F, Eberhard K, Scheutz M. (2016) Team Communication as a Collaborative Process Frontiers in Robotics and Ai. 3 |
Tenbrink T, Eberhard K, Shi H, et al. (2013) Annotation of negotiation processes in joint-action dialogues Dialogue & Discourse. 3: 185-214 |
Elahi MF, Shi H, Bateman JA, et al. (2012) Classification of localization utterances using a spatial ontology Ceur Workshop Proceedings. 881: 13-18 |
Ashenfelter KT, Eberhard KM. (2007) Effects of verb complexity on speech errors Memory and Cognition. 35: 1527-1541 |
Bock K, Cutler A, Eberhard KM, et al. (2006) Number agreement in British and American english: Disagreeing to agree collectively Language. 82: 64-113 |
Gibson BS, Eberhard KM, Bryant TA. (2005) Linguistically mediated visual search: the critical role of speech rate. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 12: 276-81 |
Eberhard KM, Cutting JC, Bock K. (2005) Making syntax of sense: number agreement in sentence production. Psychological Review. 112: 531-59 |
Scheutz MJ, Eberhard KM. (2004) Effects of morphosyntactic gender features in bilingual language processing Cognitive Science. 28: 559-588 |
Scheutz M, Eberhard K, Andronache V. (2004) A real-time robotic model of human reference resolution using visual constraints Connection Science. 16: 145-167 |
Bock K, Eberhard KM, Cutting JC. (2004) Producing number agreement: How pronouns equal verbs Journal of Memory and Language. 51: 251-278 |