Elizabeth H. Hawkins, Ph.D.

2002 University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
Clinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
"Elizabeth Hawkins"


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G Alan Marlatt grad student 2002 University of Washington
 (Navigating between two worlds: A sociocultural examination of alcohol problems among urban American Indian youth.)
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Hawkins EH, La Marr CJ. (2012) Pulling for Native communities: Alan Marlatt and the Journeys of the Circle Addiction Research and Theory. 20: 236-242
Hawkins EH. (2009) A tale of two systems: co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders treatment for adolescents. Annual Review of Psychology. 60: 197-227
Hawkins EH, Cummins LH, Marlatt GA. (2004) Preventing substance abuse in American Indian and Alaska native youth: promising strategies for healthier communities. Psychological Bulletin. 130: 304-23
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