David R. Badcock

Psychology University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia 
visual psychophysics
"David Badcock"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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William J. Lovegrove grad student 1979-1980 University of Western Australia (Neurotree)
 (Honours Supervisor)
G. Bruce Henning grad student 1980-1983 Oxford (Neurotree)
 (D.Phil Supervisor)
Gerald Westheimer post-doc UC Berkeley


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Johanna Badcock collaborator University of Western Australia (Neurotree)
Andrew M. Derrington collaborator (Neurotree)
Robert F. Hess collaborator McGill (Neurotree)
Murray Thomas Maybery collaborator University of Western Australia (Neurotree)
Paul McGraw collaborator The University of Western Australia (Neurotree)
Shin'ya Nishida collaborator ANU
Clifton M. Schor collaborator UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Francis E. Wilkinson collaborator The University of Western Australia (Neurotree)
Hugh R. Wilson collaborator The University of Western Australia (Neurotree)
Algis Jonas Vingrys collaborator 1988-2015 University of Western Australia (Neurotree)
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Brooks CJ, Fielding J, White OB, et al. (2024) Exploring the Phenotype and Possible Mechanisms of Palinopsia in Visual Snow Syndrome. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 65: 23
Brooks CJ, Chan YM, Fielding J, et al. (2024) Improving Understanding of Visual Snow by Quantifying its Appearance and Effect on Vision. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 65: 38
Falconbridge M, Stamps RL, Edwards M, et al. (2023) Continuous psychophysics for two-variable experiments; A new "Bayesian participant" approach. I-Perception. 14: 20416695231214440
Falconbridge M, Stamps RL, Edwards M, et al. (2023) Target motion misjudgments reflect a misperception of the background; revealed using continuous psychophysics. I-Perception. 14: 20416695231214439
Bellagarda CA, Dickinson JE, Bell J, et al. (2023) Selectivity for local orientation information in visual mirror symmetry perception. Vision Research. 207: 108207
Bellagarda CA, Dickinson JE, Bell J, et al. (2023) Contribution of higher-order structure to perception of mirror symmetry: Role of shapes and corners. Journal of Vision. 23: 4
Phillips DJ, Edwin Dickinson J, Badcock DR. (2022) Eliminating brightness induction effects when measuring motion centre-surround suppression of contrast. Vision Research. 201: 108139
Falconbridge M, Hewitt K, Haille J, et al. (2022) The induced motion effect is a high-level visual phenomenon: Psychophysical evidence. I-Perception. 13: 20416695221118111
Falconbridge M, Falconbridge P, Badcock DR. (2022) Controlled Rotation of Human Observers in a Virtual Reality Environment. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Brooks CJ, Chan YM, Fielding J, et al. (2021) Visual contrast perception in visual snow syndrome reveals abnormal neural gain but not neural noise. Brain : a Journal of Neurology
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