James Pomerantz

Rice University, Houston, TX 
"James Pomerantz"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Rijuta C. Pandav research assistant 2005-2006 Rice University (Neurotree)
Carina A. Hahn research assistant 2011-2012 Rice University (Neurotree)
John Colombo grad student 1977-1981 SUNY Buffalo (Neurotree)
Stephen W. Jewell grad student 2007 Rice University (Neurotree)
Mary C. Portillo grad student 2010 Rice University (Neurotree)
Jennifer Chen grad student 2013 Rice University (Neurotree)
Kimberley D. Orsten-Hooge grad student 2010-2015 Rice University (Neurotree)
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Pomerantz J, Chapman C, Flynn J, et al. (2017) Parallelism is an emergent feature not derived from the detection of individual line slopes Journal of Vision. 17: 166
Costa T, Orsten-Hooge K, go GR, et al. (2016) Neural correlates of configural superiority and emergent features: an ERP study Journal of Vision. 16: 127-127
Mestry N, Orsten-Hooge K, Pomerantz J, et al. (2016) Eye Movements Reveal the Competition between Basic and Configural Features in False Pop Out in Visual Search Journal of Vision. 16: 1163
Orsten-Hooge KD, Portillo MC, Pomerantz JR. (2015) False Pop Out. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance
Orsten-Hooge KD, Portillo MC, Pomerantz JR. (2015) False Pop Out Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Pomerantz J, Quiang B, Austin A, et al. (2014) Target Localization Responses Diagnose Emergent Features in Singleton Pop Out Journal of Vision. 14: 1046-1046
Hahn A, Cragin A, Pomerantz J. (2012) The role of perceptual features vs. learned associations in utilizing directional indicators F1000research. 12: 195-195
Cragin A, Hahn A, Pomerantz J. (2012) Emergent Features Predict Grouping in Search and Classification Tasks Journal of Vision. 12: 431-431
Pomerantz JR, Cragin AI, Orsten KD, et al. (2012) The computational and cortical bases for configural superiority Journal of Vision. 12: 1384-1384
Pomerantz JR, Portillo MC. (2011) Grouping and emergent features in vision: toward a theory of basic Gestalts. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 37: 1331-49
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