William D. Ellison, Ph.D.

2015- Psychology Trinity University, USA 
personality, personality disorders, self, narcissism
"William Ellison"


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Geraldine Downey research assistant 2005-2006 Columbia
E. Tory Higgins grad student 2004-2006 Columbia (Neurotree)
Kenneth N. Levy grad student 2006-2013 Penn State
 (Using dynamic factor analysis to model intraindividual variation in borderline personality disorder symptoms.)
Mark Zimmerman post-doc 2013-2015 Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University


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Douglas Gazarian research assistant 2014-2015 Trinity University
Lia Rosenstein research assistant 2014-2015
Alec Trahan research assistant 2020
BETA: Related publications


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Ellison WD, Huprich S, Behn A, et al. (2023) Attitudes, Clinical Practices, and Perceived Advocacy Needs of Professionals With Interests in Personality Disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders. 37: 1-15
Woods WC, Edershile EA, Ringwald WR, et al. (2023) Psychometric evaluation of a Visual Interpersonal Analog Scale. Psychological Assessment
Ellison WD, Acuff MC, Kealy D, et al. (2020) Narcissism and Quality of Life: The Mediating Role of Relationship Patterns. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Ellison WD, Trahan AC, Pinzon JC, et al. (2020) For whom, and for what, is experience sampling more accurate than retrospective report? Personality and Individual Differences. 163: 110071
Ellison WD, Levy KN, Newman MG, et al. (2019) Dynamics among borderline personality and anxiety features in psychotherapy outpatients: An exploration of nomothetic and idiographic patterns. Personality Disorders
Ellison WD, Gillespie ME, Trahan AC. (2019) Individual differences and stability of dynamics among self-concept clarity, impatience, and negative affect Self and Identity. 19: 324-345
Ellison WD, Rosenstein LK, Morgan TA, et al. (2018) Community and Clinical Epidemiology of Borderline Personality Disorder. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 41: 561-573
Rosenstein LK, Ellison WD, Walsh E, et al. (2018) The role of emotion regulation difficulties in the connection between childhood emotional abuse and borderline personality features. Personality Disorders
Scala JW, Levy KN, Johnson BN, et al. (2018) The Role of Negative Affect and Self-Concept Clarity in Predicting Self-Injurious Urges in Borderline Personality Disorder Using Ecological Momentary Assessment. Journal of Personality Disorders. 32: 36-57
Berenson KR, Ellison WD, Clasing R. (2017) Age Differences in the Desirability of Narcissism Journal of Individual Differences. 38: 230-240
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