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Alfred Adler research assistant 1932-1934 Columbia
Robert Sessions Woodworth grad student 1937 Columbia
 (Perception of number as affected by the monetary value of the objects : a critical study of the method used in the extended constancy phenomenon.)
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Ansbacher HL. (1990) Alfred Adler's Influence on the Three Leading Cofounders of Humanistic Psychology Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 30: 45-53
Ansbacher HL. (1981) Psychology: a way of living. Journal of Individual Psychology. 37: 153-95
Ansbacher HL. (1981) Prescott Lecky's concept of resistance and his personality Journal of Clinical Psychology. 37: 791-795
Ansbacher HL. (1973) Reflections on the psychological meaning of Copernicus J.Individ.Psychol.. 29: 200-203
Ansbacher HL. (1972) Adlerian psychology: the tradition of brief psychotherapy. Journal of Individual Psychology. 28: 137-51
Ansbacher HL. (1971) Alfred Adler and Humanistic Psychology Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 11: 53-63
Ansbacher HL. (1964) Ego Psychology and Alfred Adler Social Casework. 45: 268-272
Ansbacher HL. (1949) Lasting and Passing Aspects of German Military Psychology Sociometry. 12: 301
ANSBACHER HL, PLOTTKE P. (1947) Note on the psychology of proper names. Individual Psychology Bulletin. 6: 142-5
Ansbacher HL. (1943) CURTAILMENT OF MILITARY PSYCHOLOGY IN GERMANY. Science (New York, N.Y.). 98: 218-9
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