Lawrence McCue Ward

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
psychophysics, cognitive neuroscience, dynamical systems theory
"Lawrence Ward"

Born Canton, Ohio, 1944. Moved to Indiana PA when father died at age 3 1/2. Indiana High School. A.B. in Social Relations Harvard College, 1966. Ph.D. Experimental Psychology Duke University, 1971 (Phi Beta Kappa). Asst. Prof. Rutgers University, 1970-73. Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof, Professor, University of British Columbia, 1973-present.

Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Gregory R. Lockhead grad student 1966-1970 Duke


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Narly A. Golestani research assistant UBC (Neurotree)
Aaron M. Kirschner research assistant UBC (Neurotree)
Marcia Grabowecky grad student Northwestern (Neurotree)
John J. McDonald grad student Simon Fraser (Neurotree)
Shuji Mori grad student UBC (Neurotree)
Matthew S. Tata grad student 1999-2003 UBC (Neurotree)
David J. Prime grad student 2005 UBC (Neurotree)
Alexa B. Roggeveen grad student 2003-2007 UBC (Neurotree)
Keiichi Kitajo post-doc UBC (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Blundon EG, Gallagher RE, Ward LM. (2020) Electrophysiological evidence of preserved hearing at the end of life. Scientific Reports. 10: 10336
Blundon EG, Ward LM. (2019) Search asymmetry in a serial auditory task: Neural source analyses of EEG implicate attention strategies. Neuropsychologia. 134: 107204
Ribary U, Doesburg SM, Ward LM. (2017) Unified principles of thalamo-cortical processing: the neural switch. Biomedical Engineering Letters. 7: 229-235
Blundon EG, Rumak SP, Ward LM. (2017) Sequential search asymmetry: Behavioral and psychophysiological evidence from a dual oddball task. Plos One. 12: e0173237
MacLean SE, Ward LM. (2016) Oscillatory Power and Functional Connectivity in the Speech Change Detection Network. Neuropsychologia
Doesburg SM, Bedo N, Ward LM. (2016) Top-down alpha oscillatory network interactions during visuospatial attention orienting. Neuroimage
Ward LM, Greenwood PE. (2016) Stochastic facilitation in the brain? Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2016
Fitzgibbon SP, DeLosAngeles D, Lewis TW, et al. (2015) Automatic determination of EMG-contaminated components and validation of independent component analysis using EEG during pharmacologic paralysis. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology
Whitman JC, Takane Y, Cheung TP, et al. (2015) Acceptance of evidence-supported hypotheses generates a stronger signal from an underlying functionally-connected network. Neuroimage
Ward LM, Baumann M, Moffat G, et al. (2015) Achieving across-laboratory replicability in psychophysical scaling. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 903
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