Judson Ridgway Mills, PhD

University of Missouri, Columbia, Columbia, MO, United States 
"Judson Mills"
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Clark MS, Mills JR. (2012) A theory of communal (and exchange) relationships Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology. 231-250
Mills J, Clark MS, Ford TE, et al. (2004) Measurement of communal strength Personal Relationships. 11: 213-230
Mills J, Cooper D, Forest D. (2002) Polarization of interpersonal attraction: The effect of perceived potency Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 24: 157-162
Clark MS, Dubash P, Mills J. (1998) Interest in Another's Consideration of One's Needs in Communal and Exchange Relationships Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 34: 246-264
Clark MS, Mills JR, Corcoran DM. (1989) Keeping Track of Needs and Inputs of Friends and Strangers Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 15: 533-542
Mills J, Belgrave FZ, Boyer KM. (1984) Reducing Avoidance of Social Interaction with a Physically Disabled Person by Mentioning the Disability Following a Request for Aid1 Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 14: 1-11
Belcrave FZ, Mills J. (1981) Effect upon Desire for Social Interaction with a Physically Disabled Person of Mentioning the Disability in Different Contexts Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 11: 44-57
Forest D, Clark MS, Mills J, et al. (1979) Helping as a function of feeling state and nature of the helping behavior Motivation and Emotion. 3: 161-169
Mills J, Meltzer R, Clark M. (1977) Effect of Number of Options on Recall of Information Supporting Different Decision Strategies Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 3: 213-218
Clark MS, Gotay CC, Mills J. (1974) Acceptance of Help as a Function of Similarity of the Potential Helper and Opportunity To Repay1 Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 4: 224-229
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