Naohide Yamamoto, PhD

2009-2014 Department of Psychology Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, United States 
 2014- School of Psychology and Counselling Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia 
Spatial Cognition, Navigation
"Naohide Yamamoto"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Amy Lynne Shelton grad student 2002-2007 Johns Hopkins (Neurotree)
 (Modality dependence and independence in human spatial memory.)
John Philbeck post-doc 2007-2009 George Washington University (Neurotree)


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Gregory J. DeGirolamo grad student 2010-2012 Cleveland State University (Neurotree)
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Yamamoto N, Nightingale M. (2023) How well do we do social distancing? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218231195247
Baker KS, Johnston P, Yamamoto N, et al. (2023) Event-Related Potentials Index Prediction Error Signalling During Perceptual Processing of Emotional Facial Expressions. Brain Topography
Anastasiou C, Baumann O, Yamamoto N. (2022) Does path integration contribute to human navigation in large-scale space? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
O'Donohue M, Lacherez P, Yamamoto N. (2022) Musical training refines audiovisual integration but does not influence temporal recalibration. Scientific Reports. 12: 15292
Baker KS, Yamamoto N, Pegna AJ, et al. (2022) Violated expectations for spatial and feature attributes of visual trajectories modulate event-related potential amplitudes across the visual processing hierarchy. Biological Psychology. 174: 108422
Baker KS, Pegna AJ, Yamamoto N, et al. (2021) Attention and prediction modulations in expected and unexpected visuospatial trajectories Plos One. 16: e0242753
Tiwari K, Kyrki V, Cheung A, et al. (2021) DeFINE: Delayed feedback-based immersive navigation environment for studying goal-directed human navigation. Behavior Research Methods
Allen-Davidian Y, Russo M, Yamamoto N, et al. (2020) Turning the Face Inversion Effect on Its Head: Violated Expectations of Orientation, Lighting, and Gravity Enhance N170 Amplitudes. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-12
Rubie E, Haworth N, Twisk D, et al. (2020) Influences on lateral passing distance when motor vehicles overtake bicycles: a systematic literature review Transport Reviews. 40: 754-773
Yamamoto N, Fox MJ, Boys E, et al. (2019) Effects of Orientation Change during Environmental Learning on Age-Related Difference in Spatial Memory. Behavioural Brain Research
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