Kaiping Peng, Ph.D.

Psychology University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Kaiping Peng"


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Susannah B. Paletz grad student 2003 UC Berkeley
Eric D. Knowles grad student 1999-2003 UC Berkeley
Julie Rodgers grad student 2004 UC Berkeley
Helen C. Boucher grad student 2005 UC Berkeley
Jeffrey R. Boles grad student 2006 UC Berkeley
Melissa J. Williams grad student 2008 UC Berkeley
Kyle E. Jennings grad student 2010 UC Berkeley
Xiaowei Lu grad student 2012 UC Berkeley
Feng Yu grad student 2014
Hu Chuan-Peng grad student 2012-2017 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (Neurotree)
Tao Chen post-doc
Xiaomeng Hu post-doc 2018-2020 Tsinghua University
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Wei X, Yu F, Peng K. (2024) Seeing is more than believing: Personal experience increases climate action. The British Journal of Social Psychology
Zhao L, Zhao Y, Wu Y, et al. (2022) Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic upon Chinese Positive Traits. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19
Morio H, Yeung S, Peng K, et al. (2022) Of Mice and Culture: How Beliefs About Knowing Affect Habits of Thinking. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 917649
Feldborg M, Lee NA, Hung K, et al. (2021) Perceiving the Self and Emotions with an Anxious Mind: Evidence from an Implicit Perceptual Task. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18
Guan F, Liu G, Pedersen WS, et al. (2021) Neurostructural correlates of dispositional self-compassion. Neuropsychologia. 107978
Hung K, Lee NA, Peng K, et al. (2021) Profile Pictures in the Digital World: Self-Photographs Predict Better Life Satisfaction. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18
Hu X, Wang Y, Liao S, et al. (2021) Do Experiences Studying Abroad Promote Dialectical Thinking? Empirical Evidence From Chinese International Students. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 595935
Chuan-Peng H, Huang Y, Eickhoff SB, et al. (2020) Seeking the "Beauty Center" in the Brain: A Meta-Analysis of fMRI Studies of Beautiful Human Faces and Visual Art. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience
Yu F, Peng K, Hu X. (2020) Knowledge is money: Do people think cultural capital can be transformed into economic value? Psych Journal
Huang J, Wan X, Peng K, et al. (2020) Grey matter volume and amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations predicts consumer ethnocentrism tendency. Neuroscience Letters. 135053
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