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Álvarez G, Oeberst A, Cress U, et al. (2020) Linguistic evidence of in-group bias in English and Spanish Wikipedia articles about international conflicts Discourse, Context & Media. 35: 100391 |
Oeberst A, von der Beck I, Matschke C, et al. (2019) Collectively biased representations of the past: Ingroup Bias in Wikipedia articles about intergroup conflicts. The British Journal of Social Psychology |
Bientzle M, Cress U, Kimmerle J. (2019) Development of domain-specific epistemological beliefs of physiotherapists: a longitudinal study. Bmc Medical Education. 19: 401 |
Mock J, Huber S, Cress U, et al. (2019) Negative Numbers are not yet Automatically Associated with Space in 6th Graders Journal of Cognition and Development. 20: 611-633 |
Fischer U, Huber S, Nuerk HC, et al. (2018) Spatial Presentations, but Not Response Formats Influence Spatial-Numerical Associations in Adults. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 2608 |
Lachmair M, Cress U, Fissler T, et al. (2017) Music-space associations are grounded, embodied and situated: examination of cello experts and non-musicians in a standard tone discrimination task. Psychological Research |
Oeberst A, von der Beck I, D Back M, et al. (2017) Biases in the production and reception of collective knowledge: the case of hindsight bias in Wikipedia. Psychological Research |
Dackermann T, Fischer U, Nuerk H, et al. (2017) Applying embodied cognition: from useful interventions and their theoretical underpinnings to practical applications Zdm. 49: 545-557 |
Kimmerle J, Moskaliuk J, Brendle D, et al. (2017) All in good time: knowledge introduction, restructuring, and development of shared opinions as different stages in collaborative writing International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. 12: 195-213 |
von der Beck I, Oeberst A, Cress U, et al. (2017) Cultural Interpretations of Global Information? Hindsight Bias after Reading Wikipedia Articles across Cultures Applied Cognitive Psychology. 31: 315-325 |