Stuart Quirk, Ph.D.

1999- Psychology Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, United States 
social anxiety, personality assessment, schizotypy, schizophrenia
"Stuart Quirk"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Milton Strauss grad student 1993-1999 Case Western (Neurotree)


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Anna M. Muller grad student 2004 Central Michigan University (Neurotree)
Erick S. Roat grad student 2006 Central Michigan University (Neurotree)
Lakshmi Subramanian grad student 2006 Central Michigan University (Neurotree)
Linda W. Brewer grad student 2007 Central Michigan University (Neurotree)
Michael Hoerger grad student 2010 Central Michigan University (Neurotree)
Aaron Kaiser grad student 2010 Central Michigan University (Neurotree)
Shannon M. Martin grad student 2011-2016 (Neurotree)
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Martin SM, Smith F, Quirk SW. (2015) Discriminating Coercive from Sadomasochistic Sexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Martin SM, Quirk SW. (2015) Social anxiety and the accuracy of predicted affect. Cognition & Emotion. 29: 51-63
Quirk SW, Wier D, Martin SM, et al. (2015) The Influence of Parental Rejection on the Development of Maladaptive Schemas, Rumination, and Motivations for Self-Injury Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 37: 283-295
Martin S, Quirk S. (2014) Schizotypy and the accuracy of predicted affect F1000research. 5
Hoerger M, Quirk SW, Chapman BP, et al. (2012) Affective forecasting and self-rated symptoms of depression, anxiety, and hypomania: evidence for a dysphoric forecasting bias. Cognition & Emotion. 26: 1098-106
Hoerger M, Quirk SW, Weed NC. (2011) Development and validation of the Delaying Gratification Inventory. Psychological Assessment. 23: 725-38
Hoerger M, Quirk SW. (2010) Affective forecasting and the Big Five. Personality and Individual Differences. 49: 972-976
Hoerger M, Quirk SW, Lucas RE, et al. (2010) Cognitive determinants of affective forecasting errors. Judgment and Decision Making. 5: 365-373
Monnot MJ, Quirk SW, Hoerger M, et al. (2009) Racial bias in personality assessment: using the MMPI-2 to predict psychiatric diagnoses of African American and Caucasian chemical dependency inpatients. Psychological Assessment. 21: 137-51
Hoerger M, Quirk SW, Lucas RE, et al. (2009) Immune neglect in affective forecasting Journal of Research in Personality. 43: 91-94
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