Jerry S. Wiggins, PhD
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
"Jerry Wiggins"Parents
Sign in to add mentorArnold M. Binder | grad student | 1956 | Indiana University Bloomington |
William K. Estes | grad student | 1952-1956 | UBC |
Sign in to add traineeAaron Pincus | grad student | 1998-2004 | |
Paul Trapnell | grad student | 1999-2004 | UBC |
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Wiggins JS. (2003) 2002 Bruno Koppler Distinguised Contribution Award. Paradigms of personality assessment: an interpersonal odyssey. Journal of Personality Assessment. 80: 11-8 |
Wiggins JS. (1998) Personality assessment Clinical Psychology Review. 18: 384-385 |
Wiggins JS. (1997) Circumnavigating Dodge Morgan's interpersonal style. Journal of Personality. 65: 1069-86 |
Wiggins JS, Trobst KK. (1997) Prospects for the assessment of normal and abnormal interpersonal behavior. Journal of Personality Assessment. 68: 110-26 |
Wiggins JS. (1996) An informal history of the interpersonal circumplex tradition. Journal of Personality Assessment. 66: 217-33 |
Wiggins JS, Pincus AL. (1992) Personality: structure and assessment. Annual Review of Psychology. 43: 473-504 |
Pincus AL, Wiggins JS. (1992) An Expanded Perspective on Interpersonal Assessment Journal of Counseling & Development. 71: 91-94 |
Wiggins JS, Broughton R. (1991) A geometric taxonomy of personality scales European Journal of Personality. 5: 343-365 |
Alden LE, Wiggins JS, Pincus AL. (1990) Construction of circumplex scales for the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems. Journal of Personality Assessment. 55: 521-36 |
Pincus AL, Wiggins JS. (1990) Interpersonal problems and conceptions of personality disorders Journal of Personality Disorders. 4: 342-352 |