Elisabeth Trouche

Aix Marseille 2 
"Elisabeth Trouche"
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Gueye L, Legallet E, Viallet F, et al. (2002) [Spatial orienting of attention: a study of reaction time during pointing movement]. Neurophysiologie Clinique = Clinical Neurophysiology. 32: 361-8
Gueye L, Viallet F, Legallet E, et al. (1998) [Effects of spatial orientation on attention reaction time during pointing movement towards visual direction]. Dakar Mã©Dical. 43: 161-4
Gueye L, Viallet F, Legallet E, et al. (1998) [Effects of advance information given by sensory cues on the duration and precision of a pointing movement in Parkinson's disease]. Dakar Mã©Dical. 43: 49-53
Gueye L, Viallet F, Legallet E, et al. (1998) The use of advance information for motor preparation in Parkinson's disease: effects of cueing and compatibility between warning and imperative stimuli. Brain and Cognition. 38: 66-86
Bonnefoi-Kyriacou B, Legallet E, Lee RG, et al. (1998) Spatio-temporal and kinematic analysis of pointing movements performed by cerebellar patients with limb ataxia. Experimental Brain Research. 119: 460-6
Apicella P, Legallet E, Trouche E. (1997) Responses of tonically discharging neurons in the monkey striatum to primary rewards delivered during different behavioral states. Experimental Brain Research. 116: 456-66
Apicella P, Legallet E, Trouche E. (1996) Responses of tonically discharging neurons in monkey striatum to visual stimuli presented under passive conditions and during task performance. Neuroscience Letters. 203: 147-50
Alamy M, Pons JC, Gambarelli D, et al. (1995) A defective control of small-amplitude movements in monkeys with globus pallidus lesions: an experimental study on one component of pallidal bradykinesia. Behavioural Brain Research. 72: 57-62
Bonnefoi-Kyriacou B, Trouche E, Legallet E, et al. (1995) Planning and execution of pointing movements in cerebellar patients. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 10: 171-8
Viallet F, Vuillon-Cacciuttolo G, Legallet E, et al. (1995) Bilateral and side-related reaction time impairments in patients with unilateral cerebral lesions of a medial frontal region involving the supplementary motor area. Neuropsychologia. 33: 215-23
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