Daniel V. Holt

2007-2012 Department of Psychology Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 
"Daniel Holt"
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Pruessner L, Barnow S, Holt DV, et al. (2020) A cognitive control framework for understanding emotion regulation flexibility. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 20: 21-29
Fischer A, Holt DV, Funke J. (2018) Web-Scraping the JDDM Database: Citations, Reads and Downloads Journal of Dynamic Decision Making. 4: 4-4
Funke J, Fischer A, Holt DV. (2017) When Less Is Less: Solving Multiple Simple Problems Is Not Complex Problem Solving-A comment on Greiff et al. (2015). Journal of Intelligence. 5
Holt DV, Osman M. (2017) Approaches to Cognitive Modeling in Dynamic Systems Control. Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 2032
Fischer A, Holt DV, Funke J. (2017) Looking back at the third volume of the Journal of Dynamic Decision Making Journal of Dynamic Decision Making. 3: 6-6
Fischer H, Holt DV. (2016) When high working memory capacity is and is not beneficial for predicting nonlinear processes. Memory & Cognition
Said N, Engelhart M, Kirches C, et al. (2016) Applying Mathematical Optimization Methods to an ACT-R Instance-Based Learning Model. Plos One. 11: e0158832
Fischer A, Holt DV, Funke J. (2016) The first year of the Journal of Dynamic Decision Making Journal of Dynamic Decision Making. 2: 1-1
Hundertmark J, Holt DV, Fischer A, et al. (2016) System structure and cognitive ability as predictors of performance in dynamic system control tasks Journal of Dynamic Decision Making. 1: 5-5
Fischer A, Holt DV, Funke J. (2015) Promoting the growing field of Dynamic Decision Making Journal of Dynamic Decision Making. 1: 1-3
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