Michael W. Morris
Affiliations: | Columbia University, New York, NY |
culture, decision making, negotiationGoogle:
"Michael Morris"Children
Sign in to add traineeJackson G. Lu | grad student | ||
Aurelia Mok | grad student | 2010 | Columbia |
Shira Mor | grad student | 2013 | Columbia |
Zhi Liu | grad student | 2010-2015 | Columbia |
Sign in to add collaboratorZhi Liu | collaborator | Columbia Business School | |
Shira Mor | collaborator | (Neurotree) |
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Fincher KM, Zhang T, Percaya A, et al. (2024) The effect of configural processing on mentalization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
Lu JG, Nisbett RE, Morris MW. (2022) The surprising underperformance of East Asians in US law and business schools: The liability of low assertiveness and the ameliorative potential of online classrooms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2118244119 |
Savani K, Morris MW, Fincher K, et al. (2022) Experiential learning of cultural norms: The role of implicit and explicit aptitudes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
Liu SS, Shteynberg G, Morris MW, et al. (2020) How Does Collectivism Affect Social Interactions? A Test of Two Competing Accounts. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167220923230 |
Lu JG, Nisbett RE, Morris MW. (2020) Why East Asians but not South Asians are underrepresented in leadership positions in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Liu SS, Morris MW, Talhelm T, et al. (2019) Ingroup vigilance in collectivistic cultures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Morris MW, Savani K, Fincher K. (2019) Metacognition fosters cultural learning: Evidence from individual differences and situational prompts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 116: 46-68 |
Cho J, Morris MW, Dow B. (2018) How do the Romans Feel When Visitors “Do as the Romans Do”? Diversity Ideologies and Trust in Evaluations of Cultural Accommodation Academy of Management Discoveries. 4: 11-31 |
Cho J, Tadmor CT, Morris MW. (2018) Are All Diversity Ideologies Creatively Equal? The Diverging Consequences of Colorblindness, Multiculturalism, and Polyculturalism Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 49: 1376-1401 |
Wallen AS, Morris MW, Devine BA, et al. (2017) Understanding the MBA Gender Gap: Women Respond to Gender Norms by Reducing Public Assertiveness but Not Private Effort. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 43: 1150-1170 |