Eugene Borgida
Affiliations: | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN |
Social Psychology, Law and Psychology, Political PsychologyGoogle:
"Eugene Borgida"Children
Sign in to add traineeAllen M. Omoto | grad student | Claremont Graduate University | |
Janet K. Swim | grad student | UMN (Neurotree) | |
Joseph A Vitriol | grad student | UMN (Neurotree) | |
Jason Young | grad student | 1982-1988 | UMN |
Laurie A. Rudman | grad student | 1995 | UMN (Neurotree) |
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Clatch L, Borgida E. (2020) Plea Bargaining: A Test of Dual Discounting Preferences for Non-Monetary Losses. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167220952228 |
Loken B, Borgida E, Wang T, et al. (2020) Can the Public Be Educated About Constituents in Smokeless Tobacco? A Three-Wave Randomized Controlled Trial. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco |
Clatch L, Walters A, Borgida E. (2020) How Interdisciplinary? Taking Stock of Decision-Making Research at the Intersection of Psychology and Law. Annual Review of Psychology. 71: 541-561 |
Miller AL, Borgida E. (2018) The Temporal Dimension of System Justification: Gender Ideology Over the Course of the 2016 Election. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167218804547 |
Andow DA, Borgida E, Hurley TM, et al. (2016) Recruitment and Retention of Volunteers in a Citizen Science Network to Detect Invasive Species on Private Lands. Environmental Management |
Miller AL, Borgida E. (2016) Moral Typecasting Underlies Punitive Responses to Crime. Law and Human Behavior |
Miller AL, Borgida E. (2016) The Separate Spheres Model of Gendered Inequality. Plos One. 11: e0147315 |
Girvan EJ, Deason G, Borgida E. (2015) The generalizability of gender bias: Testing the effects of contextual, explicit, and implicit sexism on labor arbitration decisions. Law and Human Behavior. 39: 525-37 |
Borgida E, Loken B, Williams AL, et al. (2015) Assessing Constituent Levels in Smokeless Tobacco Products: A New Approach to Engaging and Educating the Public. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco |
Fiske ST, Borgida E. (2011) Best Practices: How to Evaluate Psychological Science for Use by Organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior. 31: 253-275 |