Lisa Chalik
Affiliations: | 2011-2016 | Psychology | New York University, New York, NY, United States |
2016- | Psychology | Yale University, New Haven, CT |
"Lisa Chalik"Parents
Sign in to add mentorMarjorie Rhodes | grad student | 2011-2016 | NYU (Neurotree) |
Yarrow Dunham | post-doc | 2016- | Yale |
Karen Wynn | post-doc | 2016- | Yale (Neurotree) |
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Beißert H, Chalik L, Misch A. (2023) The development of intergroup bias: Social-cognitive foundations and pathways forward. Acta Psychologica. 103959 |
Chalik L, Wynn K. (2023) Ingroup Positivity and Outgroup Negativity Jointly Motivate Toddlers' Social Behavior. The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 1-15 |
Chalik L, Over H, Dunham Y. (2022) Preschool children weigh accuracy against partisanship when seeking information. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 220: 105423 |
Chalik L. (2020) Intuitive theories inform children's beliefs about intergroup obligation. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 43: e65 |
Chalik L, Rhodes M. (2020) Groups as moral boundaries: A developmental perspective. Advances in Child Development and Behavior. 58: 63-93 |
Chalik L, Dunham Y. (2018) Beliefs About Moral Obligation Structure Children's Social Category-Based Expectations. Child Development |
Chalik L, Rhodes M. (2018) Learning about social category-based obligations Cognitive Development. 48: 117-124 |
Chalik L, Leslie SJ, Rhodes M. (2017) Cultural Context Shapes Essentialist Beliefs About Religion. Developmental Psychology |
Rhodes M, Leslie SJ, Bianchi L, et al. (2017) The Role of Generic Language in the Early Development of Social Categorization. Child Development |
Chalik L, Rhodes M. (2015) The Communication of Naïve Theories of the Social World in Parent–Child Conversation Journal of Cognition and Development. 16: 719-741 |