Christopher Parker, Ph.D.

Psychology Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States 
"Christopher Parker"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Robert Dipboye grad student 1995 Rice University (Neurotree)


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Boris B. Baltes grad student 1998 Northern Illinois University
Stephen H. Wagner grad student 2000 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Scott Alan Young grad student 2000 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Joanne E. Roberts grad student 2002 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Heather A. LaCost grad student 2005 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Jill S. Budden grad student 2007 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Daylashunta L. Randolph grad student 2008 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Juleen K. Veneziano grad student 2009 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Stacey A. Todaro grad student 2010 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Lisa Getta grad student 2011 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Lily Patel grad student 2012 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Gina Siemieniec grad student 2012 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Chelsea Woodcock grad student 2012 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
Hope J. Clark grad student 2013 Northern Illinois University (Neurotree)
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Magliano JP, Higgs K, Santuzzi A, et al. (2020) Testing the inference mediation hypothesis in a post-secondary context Contemporary Educational Psychology. 61: 101867
Scheuer ML, Burton JP, Barber LK, et al. (2016) Linking Abusive Supervision to Employee Engagement and Exhaustion Organization Management Journal. 13: 138-147
Veloso EFR, da Silva RC, Parker C, et al. (2015) Conditions for Service Climate in Brazilian Organizations Latin American Business Review. 16: 45-61
Gagnon S, Paquet M, Courcy F, et al. (2009) Measurement and management of work climate: cross-validation of the CRISO Psychological Climate Questionnaire. Healthcare Management Forum / Canadian College of Health Service Executives = Forum Gestion Des Soins De Santã© / Collã¨Ge Canadien Des Directeurs De Services De Santã©. 22: 57-65
Baltes BB, Zhdanova LS, Parker CP. (2009) Psychological climate: A comparison of organizational and individual level referents Human Relations. 62: 669-700
Baltes BB, Parker CP, Young LM, et al. (2004) The practical utility of importance measures in assessing the relative importance of work-related perceptions and organizational characteristics on work-related outcomes Organizational Research Methods. 7: 326-340
Wagner SH, Parker CP, Christiansen ND. (2003) Employees that think and act like owners: Effects of ownership beliefs and behaviors on organizational effectiveness Personnel Psychology. 56: 847-871
Parker CP, Baltes BB, Young SA, et al. (2003) Relationships between psychological climate perceptions and work outcomes: A meta-analytic review Journal of Organizational Behavior. 24: 389-416
Baltes BB, Bauer CC, Bajdo LM, et al. (2002) The use of multitrait-multimethod data for detecting nonlinear relationships: The case of psychological climate and job satisfaction Journal of Business and Psychology. 17: 3-19
Kickul JR, Neuman G, Parker C, et al. (2001) Settling the score: The role of organizational justice in the relationship between psychological contract breach and anticitizenship behavior Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. 13: 77-93
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