Jennifer Crocker, Ph.D.

Psychology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
"Jennifer Crocker"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Kathleen McGraw grad student (PoliSci Tree)
Diane M. Quinn grad student University of Michigan
Connie T. Wolfe grad student 1992-1999 University of Michigan
Heather M. Coon grad student 2000 University of Michigan (Neurotree)
Jason S. Lawrence grad student 2000 University of Michigan (Neurotree)
Amara T. Brook grad student 2005 University of Michigan (Neurotree)
Julie A. Garcia grad student 2005 University of Michigan (Neurotree)
Lora E. Park grad student 2005 University of Michigan (Neurotree)
Diana T. Sanchez grad student 2000-2005 University of Michigan
Yu Niiya grad student 2006 University of Michigan (Neurotree)
Mark A. Villacorta grad student 2006 University of Michigan (Neurotree)
Scott J. Moeller grad student 2010 University of Michigan (Neurotree)
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Jiang T, Canevello A, Crocker J. (2023) Compassionate goals, responsiveness, and well-being. Current Opinion in Psychology. 52: 101634
Quinn DM, Canevello A, Crocker JK. (2023) Understanding the role of depressive symptoms in academic outcomes: A longitudinal study of college roommates. Plos One. 18: e0286709
Mischkowski D, Crocker J, Way BM. (2019) A Social Analgesic? Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Reduces Positive Empathy. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 538
Niiya Y, Crocker J. (2019) Interdependent = Compassionate? Compassionate and Self-Image Goals and Their Relationships With Interdependence in the United States and Japan. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 192
Jiang T, Canevello A, Gore JS, et al. (2017) The Association between Compassionate Goals and Relational-Interdependent Self-Construal. Self and Identity : the Journal of the International Society For Self and Identity. 16: 143-170
Erickson TM, Granillo MT, Crocker J, et al. (2017) Compassionate and self-image goals as interpersonal maintenance factors in clinical depression and anxiety. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Crocker J, Canevello A, Lewis KA. (2016) Romantic Relationships in the Ecosystem: Compassionate Goals, Nonzero-Sum Beliefs, and Change in Relationship Quality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Crocker J, Canevello A, Brown AA. (2016) Social Motivation: Costs and Benefits of Selfishness and Otherishness. Annual Review of Psychology
Brummelman E, Crocker J, Bushman BJ. (2016) The Praise Paradox: When and Why Praise Backfires in Children With Low Self-Esteem Child Development Perspectives. 10: 111-115
Kao CH, Su JC, Crocker J, et al. (2016) The Benefits of Transcending Self-Interest: Examining the Role of Self-Transcendence on Expressive Suppression and Well-Being Journal of Happiness Studies. 1-17
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