Brian J. Prendergast, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Seasonality, Circadian biology, PsychoneuroimmunologyGoogle:
"Brian Prendergast"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorIrving (Irv) Zucker | grad student | UC Berkeley (Neurotree) | |
Randy J. Nelson | post-doc | 1999-2003 | Ohio State (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add traineeErin J. Cable | grad student | 2010- | Chicago |
Kenneth G Onishi | grad student | 2015- | Chicago (Neurotree) |
Jonathan P Riggle | grad student | 2016- | Chicago (Neurotree) |
Sean P. Bradley | grad student | 2006-2013 | Chicago |
August Kampf-Lassin | grad student | 2006-2013 | Chicago |
Tyler J. Stevenson | post-doc | 2011- | Chicago (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorDavid A. Freeman | collaborator | Chicago (Neurotree) | |
Norman F. (Bud) Ruby | collaborator | Chicago (Neurotree) | |
Leslie M. Kay | collaborator | 2006- | Chicago (Neurotree) |
Veronica J. Kim | collaborator | 2013-2019 | Chicago (Neurotree) |
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Nelson RJ, DeVries AC, Prendergast BJ. (2024) Researchers need to better address time-of-day as a critical biological variable. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2316959121 |
Riggle JP, Kay LM, Onishi KG, et al. (2022) Modified Wavelet Analyses Permit Quantification of Dynamic Interactions Between Ultradian and Circadian Rhythms. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 7487304221128652 |
Leone VA, Onishi KG, Kennedy M, et al. (2022) Atypical behavioral and thermoregulatory circadian rhythms in mice lacking a microbiome. Scientific Reports. 12: 14491 |
Nelson RJ, Bumgarner JR, Liu JA, et al. (2022) Time of day as a critical variable in biology. Bmc Biology. 20: 142 |
Riggle JP, Onishi KG, Love JA, et al. (2021) Spontaneous Recovery of Circadian Organization in Mice Lacking a Core Component of the Molecular Clockwork. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 7487304211060896 |
Zucker I, Prendergast BJ, Beery AK. (2021) Pervasive Neglect of Sex Differences in Biomedical Research. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology |
Haspel JA, Anafi R, Brown MK, et al. (2020) Perfect timing: circadian rhythms, sleep, and immunity - an NIH workshop summary. Jci Insight. 5 |
Onishi KG, Maneval AC, Cable EC, et al. (2019) Circadian and Circannual Timescales Interact to Generate Seasonal Changes in Immune Function. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity |
Bao R, Onishi KG, Tolla E, et al. (2019) Genome sequencing and transcriptome analyses of the Siberian hamster hypothalamus identify mechanisms for seasonal energy balance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Onishi KG, Prendergast BJ, Stevenson TJ. (2019) Trait-specific effects of exogenous triiodothyronine on cytokine and behavioral responses to simulated systemic infection in male Siberian hamsters. Hormones and Behavior |