Danielle R. Truxaw

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Danielle Truxaw"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Leda Cosmides research assistant 2001-2003 UC Santa Barbara
John Tooby research assistant 2001-2003 UC Santa Barbara
Tamsin German grad student 2003-2010 UC Santa Barbara
 (Empirical exploration of a social-mechanical model of tool reasoning.)
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Krasnow MM, Truxaw D, Gaulin SJ, et al. (2011) Cognitive adaptations for gathering-related navigation in humans. Evolution and Human Behavior : Official Journal of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. 32: 1-12
Krasnow MM, Truxaw D, New J, et al. (2007) Shopping for explanations. Response. Science (New York, N.Y.). 318: 745
New J, Krasnow MM, Truxaw D, et al. (2007) Spatial adaptations for plant foraging: women excel and calories count. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 274: 2679-84
German TP, Truxaw D, Defeyter MA. (2007) The role of information about "convention," "design," and "goal" in representing artificial kinds. New Directions For Child and Adolescent Development. 69-81
German TP, Truxaw D, Defeyter MA. (2007) The role of information about “convention,” “design,” and “goal” in representing artificial kinds New Directions For Child and Adolescent Development. 2007: 69-81
Truxaw D, Krasnow MM, Woods C, et al. (2006) Conditions under which function information attenuates name extension via shape. Psychological Science. 17: 367-71
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