H Clark Barrett, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Anthropology | University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA |
"H Barrett"Cross-listing: Anthropology Tree
Sign in to add traineeThomas J. Flamson | grad student | 2010 | UCLA |
Siamak Naficy | grad student | 2011 | UCLA |
Willem E. Frankenhuis | grad student | 2012 | UCLA |
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Barrett HC. (2020) Towards a Cognitive Science of the Human: Cross-Cultural Approaches and Their Urgency. Trends in Cognitive Sciences |
House BR, Kanngiesser P, Barrett HC, et al. (2020) Social norms and cultural diversity in the development of third-party punishment. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 287: 20192794 |
Curtin CM, Barrett HC, Bolyanatz A, et al. (2020) Kinship intensity and the use of mental states in moral judgment across societies Evolution and Human Behavior. 41: 415-429 |
Barrett HC. (2020) Deciding what to observe: Thoughts for a post-WEIRD generation Evolution and Human Behavior. 41: 445-453 |
House BR, Kanngiesser P, Barrett HC, et al. (2019) Universal norm psychology leads to societal diversity in prosocial behaviour and development. Nature Human Behaviour |
Barrett HC. (2018) Selected emergence in the evolution of behavior and cognition. Behavioural Processes |
Barrett HC. (2017) The Search for Human Cognitive Specializations Evolution of Nervous Systems. 4: 355-366 |
Apicella CL, Barrett HC. (2016) Cross-cultural evolutionary psychology Current Opinion in Psychology. 7: 92-97 |
Gaissmaier W, Wilke A, Scheibehenne B, et al. (2015) Betting on Illusory Patterns: Probability Matching in Habitual Gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies / Co-Sponsored by the National Council On Problem Gambling and Institute For the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming |
Wilke A, Scheibehenne B, Gaissmaier W, et al. (2014) Illusionary pattern detection in habitual gamblers Evolution and Human Behavior. 35: 291-297 |