Nathan A. Bowling, Ph.D.

2022 Psychology Wright State University, Fairborn, OH, United States 
 2023- Psychology University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, United States 
Organizational constraints, psychometrics
"Nathan Bowling"
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Terry A. Beehr grad student 2005 Central Michigan University (SocTree)
 (Dispositional approach to satisfaction with social facets of work: The role of dispositional cynicism.)
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Eschleman KJ, Bowling N, Zelazny L. (2020) Getting a grip on the gripers: Curmudgeon personality's relationships with job attitudes and employee well-being Personality and Individual Differences. 167: 110253
Bowling NA, Wagner SH, Beehr TA. (2017) The Facet Satisfaction Scale: an Effective Affective Measure of Job Satisfaction Facets Journal of Business and Psychology. 33: 383-403
Bowling NA, Beehr TA. (2016) Opponent process theory can help explain some effects of resilience Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 9: 486-490
Eschleman KJ, Bowling NA, Judge TA. (2015) The dispositional basis of attitudes: A replication and extension of Hepler and Albarracín (2013). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 108: e1-15
Eschleman KJ, Bowling NA, LaHuis D. (2015) The moderating effects of personality on the relationship between change in work stressors and change in counterproductive work behaviours Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 88: 656-678
Bowling NA, Lyons BD. (2015) Not on My Watch: Facilitating peer reporting through employee job attitudes and personality traits International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 23: 80-91
Bowling NA, Khazon S, Meyer RD, et al. (2015) Situational Strength as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: A Meta-Analytic Examination Journal of Business and Psychology. 30: 89-104
Eschleman KJ, Bowling NA, Michel JS, et al. (2014) Perceived intent of supervisor as a moderator of the relationships between abusive supervision and counterproductive work behaviours Work and Stress. 28: 362-375
Michel JS, Bowling NA. (2013) Does Dispositional Aggression Feed the Narcissistic Response? The Role of Narcissism and Aggression in the Prediction of Job Attitudes and Counterproductive Work Behaviors Journal of Business and Psychology. 28: 93-105
Bowling NA, Beehr TA, Grebner S. (2012) Combating Stress in Organizations International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2012. 65-87
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