Tomas Palma, Ph.D.

University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal 
"Tomas Palma"
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Palma TA, Garcia-Marques L, Marques P, et al. (2019) Learning what to inhibit: The influence of repeated testing on the encoding of gender and age information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Palma TA, Santos AS, Garcia-Marques L. (2018) Off the top of my head: Malleability and stability in natural categories. Acta Psychologica. 185: 104-115
Palma TA, Santos AS, Garcia-Marques L. (2017) The future is now: the impact of present fluency in judgments about the future. Memory (Hove, England). 1-10
Santos AS, Garcia-Marques L, Mackie DM, et al. (2017) Something in the Way You Primed Me: Belief Monitoring When Source Identification Is Not Possible Social Cognition. 35: 273-298
Santos AS, Almeida FD, Palma TA, et al. (2017) The cultural stereotype of professional groups: Consensus, accessibility and typicality of stereotypic contents AnáLise PsicolóGica. 35: 557-568
Garcia-Marques L, Santos AS, Mackie DM, et al. (2017) Cognitive Malleability and the Wisdom of Independent Aggregation Psychological Inquiry. 28: 262-267
Palma TA, Garrido MV, Semin GR. (2014) Situating person memory: The role of the visual context on memory for behavioral information Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 52: 32-43
Garrido MV, Azevedo C, Palma T. (2013) Cognição Social: Fundamentos, formulações actuais e perspectivas futuras Psicologia. 25: 113
Garrido M, Palma T, Carrega A, et al. (2013) O que pensamos sobre estes grupos? Um pré-teste de características estereotípicas de homossexuais e heterossexuais masculinos e de Árabes e Americanos LaboratóRio De Psicologia. 7
Garrido MV, Farias AR, Palma T. (2013) “O Espaço da política”: Avaliação da conotação política e da valência de uma lista de palavras LaboratóRio De Psicologia. 8
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