Rebecca E Waugh

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
neuroimaging, cognition, aging
"Rebecca Waugh"


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Michael S. Worden research assistant 2018 (Neurotree)
Per B. Sederberg grad student 2021- UVA (Neurotree)
Jessica J. Connelly grad student 2023- (Cell Biology Tree)
Mary K. Floeter research scientist 2018-2020 (Neurotree)
Mark Hallett research scientist 2020-2021 (Neurotree)
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Cho HJ, Waugh R, Wu T, et al. (2022) Role of supplementary motor area in cervical dystonia and sensory tricks. Scientific Reports. 12: 21206
Waugh RE, Parker JA, Hallett M, et al. (2022) Classification of Functional Movement Disorders with Resting State fMRI. Brain Connectivity
Waugh RE, Danielian LE, Shoukry RFS, et al. (2020) Longitudinal changes in network homogeneity in presymptomatic C9orf72 mutation carriers. Neurobiology of Aging. 99: 1-10
Shoukry RS, Waugh R, Bartlett D, et al. (2020) Longitudinal changes in resting state networks in early presymptomatic carriers of C9orf72 expansions. Neuroimage. Clinical. 28: 102354
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