Ara Norenzayan, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
"Ara Norenzayan"Children
Sign in to add traineeEmma E. Buchtel | grad student | UBC | |
Azim F. Shariff | grad student | 2010 | UBC |
Will Gervais | grad student | 2012 | UBC |
Aiyana Willard | grad student | 2011-2015 | Oxford |
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Schimmelpfennig R, Spicer R, White CJM, et al. (2024) Methodological concerns underlying a lack of evidence for cultural heterogeneity in the replication of psychological effects. Communications Psychology. 2: 93 |
Bendixen T, Lightner AD, Apicella C, et al. (2023) Gods are watching and so what? Moralistic supernatural punishment across 15 cultures. Evolutionary Human Sciences. 5: e18 |
Pasek MH, Kelly JM, Shackleford C, et al. (2023) Thinking About God Encourages Prosociality Toward Religious Outgroups: A Cross-Cultural Investigation. Psychological Science. 9567976231158576 |
White CJM, Muthukrishna M, Norenzayan A. (2021) Cultural similarity among coreligionists within and between countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118 |
Beheim B, Atkinson QD, Bulbulia J, et al. (2021) Treatment of missing data determined conclusions regarding moralizing gods. Nature. 595: E29-E34 |
White CJM, Willard AK, Baimel A, et al. (2021) Cognitive Pathways to Belief in Karma and Belief in God. Cognitive Science. 45: e12935 |
White CJM, Norenzayan A, Schaller M. (2020) How strongly do moral character inferences predict forecasts of the future? Testing the moderating roles of transgressor age, implicit personality theories, and belief in karma. Plos One. 15: e0244144 |
White CJ, Baimel A, Norenzayan A. (2020) How cultural learning and cognitive biases shape religious beliefs. Current Opinion in Psychology. 40: 34-39 |
Apicella C, Norenzayan A, Henrich J. (2020) Beyond WEIRD: A review of the last decade and a look ahead to the global laboratory of the future Evolution and Human Behavior. 41: 319-329 |
Lang M, Purzycki BG, Apicella CL, et al. (2019) Moralizing gods, impartiality and religious parochialism across 15 societies. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 286: 20190202 |