Ebbe B. Ebbesen, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA |
"Ebbe Ebbesen"Children
Sign in to add traineeDenise J. Cai | research assistant | (Neurotree) | |
Robert B Allen | grad student | 1973-1979 | UCSD |
Mara E. Libuser | grad student | 2001 | UCSD |
Heather D. Flowe | grad student | 2005 | UCSD |
BETA: Related publications
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Flowe HD, Mehta A, Ebbesen EB. (2011) The role of eyewitness identification evidence in felony case dispositions Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 17: 140-159 |
Flowe HD, Finklea KM, Ebbesen EB. (2009) Limitations of Expert Psychology Testimony on Eyewitness Identification Expert Testimony On the Psychology of Eyewitness Identification |
Flowe HD, Ebbesen EB. (2007) The effect of lineup member similarity on recognition accuracy in simultaneous and sequential lineups. Law and Human Behavior. 31: 33-52 |
Flowe HD, Ebbesen EB, Putcha-Bhagavatula A. (2007) Rape shield laws and sexual behavior evidence: effects of consent level and women's sexual history on rape allegations. Law and Human Behavior. 31: 159-75 |
Konečni VJ, Ebbesen EB, Hock RR. (1996) Factors affecting simulated jurors' decisions in capital cases Psychology, Crime and Law. 2: 269-297 |
Konečni VJ, Ebbesen EB. (1986) Courtroom testimony by psychologists on eyewitness identification issues - Critical notes and reflections Law and Human Behavior. 10: 117-126 |
Allen RB, Ebbesen EB. (1981) Cognitive processes in person perception: Retrieval of personality trait and behavioral information Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 17: 119-141 |
Cohen CE, Ebbesen EB. (1979) Observational goals and schema activation: A theoretical framework for behavior perception Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 15: 305-329 |
Konečni VJ, Ebbesen EB. (1979) External validity of research in legal psychology Law and Human Behavior. 3: 39-70 |
Mischel W, Ebbesen EB, Zeis AM. (1976) Determinants of selective memory about the self. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 44: 92-103 |