People with institution matching "Johns Hopkins University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Mary Ainsworth (Info) UVA Attachment kehrlich 2009‑12‑19
Marie Balaban (Info) Johns Hopkins infancy, central and autonomic psychophysiology ttbrown 2008‑12‑27
Gregory F. Ball (Info) Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Ethology ccasteli 2006‑03‑28
William P. Banks (Info) Pomona College Perception wprinz 2005‑02‑08
George E Bigelow (Info) Johns Hopkins rasso 2014‑02‑04
Jeffrey Bowen (Info) Johns Hopkins metzma 2018‑09‑13
Nelson Butters (Info) UCSD cognitive neuropsychology jason.taylor 2006‑11‑13
Claudia M Campbell (Info) Johns Hopkins University of School of Medicine KatrinaH 2023‑11‑09
William J. Carr (Info) Franklin and Marshall College, Johns Hopkins, University of Pittsburgh, Bucknell University, Temple University, Beaver College klevy 2023‑07‑18
Joseph M. Casto (Info) Illinois State University Behavioral & Field Neuroendocrinology jmcasto 2007‑11‑05
James McKeen Cattell (Info) Penn hayden 2005‑01‑17
Jonathan M. Cheek (Info) Wellesley Personality, Self-Concept jcheek 2016‑08‑03
Herbert H. Clark (Info) Stanford Psycholinguistics, pragmatics ita 2006‑10‑11
Matthew Lawrence Cohen (Info) UF Gainesville intraindividual variability, neurocognitive aging, attention/intention, creativity mlcohen 2010‑02‑04
Ariel M. Cohen-Goldberg (Info) Tufts Psycholinguistics, linguistics arielmcg 2015‑06‑30
Nancy L. Collins (Info) UC Santa Barbara poorejc 2011‑09‑12
Sarah Cormiea (Info) Harvard visual working memory, motion perception, olfactory perception SarahCormiea 2016‑09‑15
Christopher J. Correia (Info) Auburn University bepharmer 2010‑06‑10
James C. Craig (Info) Indiana University Bloomington tactile psychophysics slimanbensmaia 2008‑01‑26
Catherine Cramer (Info) Dartmouth kinsey 2012‑04‑26
Elliot Myron Cramer (Info) UNC Chapel Hill quantitative psychology jandh 2020‑05‑04
Ian Creese (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Psychopharmacology sibley 2006‑10‑19
Thomas S. Critchfield (Info) Illinois State Behavior Analysis bepharmer 2010‑06‑09
Rosa Crum (Info) Johns Hopkins lpacek 2015‑01‑08
Corbin A. Cunningham (Info) Johns Hopkins Vision, Cognition, Attention corbinc 2011‑05‑24
John D.Roache (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Avalakita 2018‑05‑18
Jesse Dallery (Info) UF Gainesville bepharmer 2010‑06‑10
Clinton B. DeSoto (Info) Johns Hopkins JohnAJohnson 2021‑04‑02
John Dewey (Info) Chicago, Columbia philosophy, psychology hayden 2005‑01‑16
Benjamin Dirlikov (Info) Johns Hopkins oschultheiss 2009‑09‑09
Roy Melvin Dorcus (Info) UCLA hypnosis Diyanna 2009‑04‑23
Deborah L. Drazen (Info) Johns Hopkins rjnelson 2009‑12‑13
Kelly E. Dunn (Info) Johns Hopkins rasso 2015‑03‑30
Giulia V. Elli (Info) Johns Hopkins, University of Michigan, University of Trento, CIMeC, University of Milano-Bicocca Cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology gelli 2015‑12‑09
Jeffrey J. Everly (Info) University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg Behavior Analysis bepharmer 2010‑06‑10
Monica Faulkner (Info) UNC Chapel Hill cab 2012‑10‑19
Chaz Firestone (Info) Johns Hopkins Perception chazfirestone 2010‑03‑15
Jonathan Flombaum (Info) Johns Hopkins Cognitive Psychology proximo 2010‑10‑26
Jerome David Frank (Info) Johns Hopkins klevy 2018‑01‑05
Perry N. Fuchs (Info) University of Texas at Arlington Pain, Behavior Rambo 2011‑04‑14
Albert P. Garcia-Romeu (Info) Johns Hopkins rasso 2015‑03‑30
Wendell R (Tex) Garner (Info) Yale, Johns Hopkins Psychology david 2005‑01‑15
Tiffany L. Gary (Info) Johns Hopkins pq 2015‑09‑29
Hirut T. Gebrekristos (Info) Johns Hopkins pq 2015‑09‑29
Lucas R. Glover (Info) Johns Hopkins emotion, behavior lcsglvr 2009‑11‑07
Alon Hafri (Info) Penn, Johns Hopkins, Johns Hopkins, University of Delaware language, vision, conceptual structure, event cognition, relations ahafri 2016‑08‑24
Granville Stanley Hall (Info) Johns Hopkins Educational psychology hayden 2005‑01‑17
Warren G. (Ted) Hall (Info) Duke Developmental psychobiology, motivation kmyers 2008‑08‑11
Katrina R. Hamilton (Info) Johns Hopkins University of School of Medicine, Ohio University, UC Irvine KatrinaH 2020‑10‑19
Rebecca A. Harrington (Info) Johns Hopkins pq 2015‑09‑29
Akiko Hayashi-Takagi (Info) University of Tokyo Psychiatry bluecat 2008‑10‑07
Chanler D. Hilley (Info) Arizona State developmental psychology, health disparities, transition to adulthood, substance use, mental health ayel 2020‑10‑18
Robert Hogan (Info) Johns Hopkins jcheek 2016‑08‑03
August F. Holtyn (Info) Johns Hopkins rasso 2015‑03‑12
Ray Hyman (Info) University of Oregon ajsimpson91 2015‑07‑01
Onur Iyilikci (Info) Yale iyilikci 2010‑11‑25
Douglas N. Johnson (Info) Colgate University Visual Attention, Memory, Perception dnj1965 2009‑09‑03
Elizabeth K. Johnson (Info) University of Toronto Infant Studies, Language Acquisition, Speech Perception, Developmental Psycholinguistics, Word Recognition apogue 2008‑11‑10
John Anthony Johnson (Info) Penn State personality, evolutionary psychology JohnAJohnson 2016‑12‑30
John A. Johnson (Info) Penn State, SUNY Brockport, Johns Hopkins klevy 2020‑06‑21
Matthew Johnson (Info) Johns Hopkins bepharmer 2010‑06‑09
Patrick S. Johnson (Info) Johns Hopkins, Chico State rasso 2015‑01‑06
Otto F. Kernberg (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College klevy 2017‑04‑15
Melissa M. Kibbe (Info) Boston University cognitive development zkaldy 2017‑07‑16
Todd W. Knealing (Info) Briar Cliff University Behavior Analysis, Behavior Pharmacology bepharmer 2010‑06‑08
Peter Kramer (Info) University of Padua Visual perception syantis1 2011‑05‑26
Eve A. LeBarton (Info) University of Pittsburgh Gesture, developmental psycholinguistics lmorett 2011‑12‑17
E. Charles Leek (Info) Bangor University Visual Object Recognition wcswcs 2010‑12‑05
Carly J. Leonard (Info) University of Colorado, Denver Attention, visual perception, eye movements, schizophrenia Carly 2007‑07‑13
Lauren Lestremau Allen (Info) SUNY Empire State College, Johns Hopkins Applied Behavior Analysis, School Psychology, Supervision and Training, Instructional Design and Delivery, Transition, Higher Education llestremau 2021‑11‑29
Theodore Lidz (Info) Columbia University Medical School, Yale School of Medicine/Yale New Haven Hospital, Johns Hopkins Medical School, National Hospital, Queen's Square in London, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Yale School of Medicine klevy 2020‑05‑09
Taosheng Liu (Info) Michigan State frakkopesto 2011‑04‑02
Jean-Marie N. Maddux (Info) The University of New South Wales appetitive learning, Pavlovian conditioning, operant conditioning, prefrontal cortex JMMaddux 2010‑08‑11
Cherie L. Marvel (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School cerebellar cognitive function, psychopathology cmarvel 2007‑02‑02
Erin A. McClure (Info) MUSC rasso 2015‑03‑30
Jared Medina (Info) University of Delaware Body schema, neuropsychology, somatosensation, neglect, TMS jaredmedina 2008‑10‑23
William John Mitchell (Info) Temple University Emotion, Self-Regulation, Social, Decision-Making wjpmitchell3 2023‑01‑06
John J. B. Morgan (Info) Northwestern abnormal psychology, child psychology, behaviorism callietyner 2010‑02‑09
Orval Hobart Mowrer (Info) University of Missouri - Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Princeton, Yale, Harvard, UIUC klevy 2021‑12‑19
Gideon P. Naudé (Info) Johns Hopkins dreed 2015‑06‑25
Matthew D. Novak (Info) University of Kansas, Johns Hopkins Medical School, UMBC mdnovak 2016‑05‑07
Nazbanou Nozari (Info) UIUC pq 2015‑10‑16
Darko Odic (Info) UBC CogDev 2017‑02‑11
Lauren R. Pacek (Info) Duke Medical School rasso 2015‑01‑06
Melanie Palomares (Info) University of South Carolina Visual perception,normal and abnormal development, VEPs, psychophysics melgalny 2008‑01‑22
Priya Palta (Info) Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Epidemiology, Cognitive Decline, Aging pq 2015‑09‑29
Laura A. Pratt (Info) Johns Hopkins pq 2015‑09‑29
Michael J. Proulx (Info) University of Bath crossmodal perception, attention, visual search, categorization mikepru 2006‑07‑04
Rebecca D. Rosenberg (Info) Johns Hopkins Developmental Psychology reba_11 2009‑01‑13
Akira Sawa (Info) Johns Hopkins Mental Health Catherine14 2008‑10‑01
Michael A. Sayette (Info) University of Pittsburgh Psychological theories of alcohol use and abuse, alcohol and stress, cigarette smoking, drug craving, cognitive and affective processes in addiction sjwilson 2006‑12‑11
Rebecca L. Schacht (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School, UMBC rasso 2015‑01‑06
Sarah Shomstein (Info) George Washington University Attention jlbrooks 2006‑08‑17
Stacey C. Sigmon (Info) University of Vermont rasso 2015‑03‑30
Stephen Snodgrass (Info) Johns Hopkins JohnAJohnson 2021‑04‑02
Amy M. Spiegel (Info) Johns Hopkins Biological Psychology, Aging, Learning and Memory amy.stocker 2008‑06‑27
Mary M Sweeney (Info) Johns Hopkins rasso 2015‑01‑06
Savannah Tate (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School nicoleperrino 2024‑04‑19
Ellie K. Taylor (Info) Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, University of Maryland neurouser 2022‑05‑20
Ruth J. Tincoff (Info) Bucknell University, The College of Idaho Early language development, word comprehension ruthtincoff 2011‑12‑07
Forrest Toegel (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School, Northern Michigan University Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Applied Behavior Analysis Sapling 2014‑10‑09
Norman Triplett (Info) Indiana University Bloomington nherrera 2011‑02‑26
Ryan Vandrey (Info) Johns Hopkins rasso 2014‑02‑04
Timothy R. Vollmer (Info) UF Gainesville Behavior Analysis vancampc 2010‑06‑10
Everett Waters (Info) SUNY Stony Brook Attachment and secure base relationships(infancy to adulthood), observation & measurement kinsey 2012‑04‑19
John B. Watson (Info) Johns Hopkins Behaviorism hayden 2005‑01‑16
Amy Wisniewski (Info) Johns Hopkins Sex differences rjnelson 2009‑12‑13
Irving Yalom (Info) Johns Hopkins klevy 2018‑01‑05
Naohide Yamamoto (Info) Cleveland State University, Queensland University of Technology Spatial Cognition, Navigation ashelton501 2007‑01‑26
Feitong Yang (Info) Johns Hopkins Vision Science, Decision Making ftyang 2012‑10‑12
Steven Yantis (Info) Johns Hopkins Attention, Cognitive Control, fMRI hayden 2005‑01‑31
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