People with institution matching "Princeton University":
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Name |
Institution |
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Date |
Robert P. Abelson (Info) |
Yale |
Social psychology, Cognitive Science | |
2006‑09‑21 |
Irving E. Alexander (Info) |
Duke |
klevy |
2017‑06‑12 |
Adam L. Alter (Info) |
ajsimpson91 |
2015‑06‑30 |
Daniel Batson (Info) |
University of Kansas |
Psychology of Religion; Altruism |
JohnTerrizzi |
2012‑02‑27 |
Roy F. Baumeister (Info) |
Case Western, Florida State, Jacobs University Bremen |
emotion, social neuroscience, sexuality |
hayden |
2006‑12‑05 |
Jacinta Beehner (Info) |
University of Michigan |
Biopsychology, Endocrinology, Primatology |
hagenaue |
2008‑12‑10 |
Jonathan Berliner (Info) |
Princeton |
Motor Control, Computational Psychology |
jbb94 |
2013‑10‑16 |
Hart Blanton (Info) |
SUNY Albany, UNC Chapel Hill, Texas A & M |
Social Psychology, Personality Psychology, Behavioral Psychology |
pq |
2016‑05‑19 |
Jalisha M. Braxton (Info) |
Chicago |
development, cognition, math education, metacognition |
jbraxton |
2017‑05‑12 |
Anthony R. Caggiula (Info) |
University of Pittsburgh |
cab |
2007‑11‑15 |
Kevin M. Carlsmith (Info) |
Colgate University |
ajsimpson91 |
2015‑06‑25 |
Marisa Carrasco (Info) |
attention, visual psychophysics |
mspering |
2007‑10‑15 |
Stephenie R. Chaudoir (Info) |
College of the Holy Cross |
ajsimpson91 |
2015‑06‑23 |
Mina Cikara (Info) |
Princeton, Harvard |
pq |
2015‑11‑06 |
Andrew R. A. Conway (Info) |
Princeton, New Mexico State |
working memory, intelligence |
aconway |
2008‑11‑06 |
Joel Cooper (Info) |
Princeton |
sjscher |
2011‑08‑22 |
James C. Craig (Info) |
Indiana University Bloomington |
tactile psychophysics |
slimanbensmaia |
2008‑01‑26 |
Amy Cuddy (Info) |
Harvard Business School |
cwilmuth |
2011‑07‑09 |
John M. Darley (Info) |
Princeton |
Social Psychology |
sjscher |
2011‑08‑22 |
Peter H. Ditto (Info) |
UC Irvine |
Social Psychology, Judgment & Decision Making |
phditto |
2013‑01‑30 |
Ron Dotsch (Info) |
Utrecht |
ajsimpson91 |
2015‑12‑02 |
Cydney Dupree (Info) |
Brown, Princeton, Yale |
bfm64 |
2018‑01‑23 |
Zachary C. Estes (Info) |
Princeton |
pq |
2015‑10‑15 |
Judith E. Fan (Info) |
Princeton |
judithfan |
2011‑05‑20 |
Daniel B. Fishman (Info) |
Princeton, Harvard, Harvard Medical School, Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey |
klevy |
2022‑06‑15 |
Susan Fiske (Info) |
Princeton |
cwilmuth |
2011‑07‑09 |
John Howland Fleming (Info) |
UMN, Princeton |
MaryDevitt |
2016‑02‑24 |
Stephen C. Fowler (Info) |
University of Kansas |
psychopharmacology, dopamine system |
mtsai |
2007‑10‑08 |
John Winslow French (Info) |
Princeton |
mt2413 |
2024‑03‑30 |
Jamie C. Fumo (Info) |
Princeton |
Comparative Literature, Medieval Literature, English Literature, Classical Literature |
pq |
2016‑03‑01 |
Stephen M. Garcia (Info) |
Princeton |
pq |
2015‑11‑30 |
James Jerome Gibson (Info) |
Cornell |
Ecological Psychology |
fj |
2007‑01‑16 |
Sam Glucksberg (Info) |
Princeton |
tgann |
2008‑09‑09 |
Barry G. Green (Info) |
The John B. Pierce Laboratory |
taste, chemesthesis, flavor, temperature, touch, pain |
bggreen |
2011‑08‑24 |
Harold O. Gulliksen (Info) |
klevy |
2023‑04‑26 |
Crystal C. Hall (Info) |
Princeton |
Face Processing |
pq |
2015‑10‑15 |
Howard R. Hall (Info) |
Delaware State University, Princeton, Rutgers, New Brunswick, Penn State, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Medical Center, Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital |
klevy |
2022‑03‑12 |
Catherine Hanson (Info) |
Rutgers, New Brunswick |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
adfgagliardi |
2010‑05‑03 |
Stephen Jose Hanson (Info) |
Rutgers, New Brunswick |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroimaging |
yarikoptic |
2009‑06‑04 |
Catrinel Haught (Info) |
Princeton |
pq |
2015‑10‑15 |
Harlene Hayne (Info) |
University of Otago |
Memory, Developmental psychology |
DScarf |
2011‑08‑05 |
Gregory G. Heyworth (Info) |
Princeton |
Comparative Literature, Romance Literature, English Literature, Medieval Literature, Classical Literature, Theater |
pq |
2016‑03‑01 |
Edwin Bissell Holt (Info) |
Harvard |
hayden |
2005‑02‑06 |
Julian Jaynes (Info) |
Yale |
MaryDevitt |
2016‑02‑09 |
Edward E. Jones (Info) |
Duke, Princeton |
Thalia |
2008‑05‑21 |
Ashley E. Jordan (Info) |
Yale, Princeton |
Social Cognitive Development |
a2624416 |
2019‑03‑16 |
Jiin Jung (Info) |
Princeton |
social psychology |
Jiin_Jung |
2020‑05‑13 |
Daniel Kahneman (Info) |
Hebrew University, UBC, UC Berkeley, Princeton |
decision making, behavioral economics |
mk9y |
2006‑10‑01 |
Leon J. Kamin (Info) |
McMaster University |
sfountai |
2016‑02‑17 |
Boaz Keysar (Info) |
Chicago |
Psycholinguistics |
tgann |
2008‑09‑09 |
Roger J. Kreuz (Info) |
University of Memphis |
Pragmatics, nonliteral language |
rkreuz |
2009‑10‑20 |
Aaron Kurosu (Info) |
Princeton |
Evaluation |
dongwonoh |
2015‑08‑19 |
Herbert Langfeld (Info) |
Princeton |
culham |
2006‑04‑03 |
Tiane L. Lee (Info) |
Princeton |
pq |
2015‑11‑06 |
Nathan Liang (Info) |
Cornell, MIT Sloan, Boston College, Princeton |
moral psychology, cooperation, empathy, social norms, social learning |
1nathan.liang |
2022‑04‑04 |
D. Stephen Lindsay (Info) |
University of Victoria |
Memory |
ckchan |
2012‑05‑19 |
Tania Lombrozo (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Concepts, causation |
lmorett |
2009‑08‑04 |
Glenis R. Long (Info) |
Hearing, Otoacoustic Emissions |
glenislong |
2014‑05‑28 |
Elizabeth Lunbeck (Info) |
Princeton, Rochester, Vanderbilt, Harvard |
jacr |
2016‑08‑10 |
Brooke N. Macnamara (Info) |
Princeton |
Individual differences, cognitive abilities |
bmacnama |
2011‑06‑11 |
Marcelo Gomes Mattar (Info) |
Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Reinforcement Learning |
marcelomattar |
2011‑09‑18 |
Sara C. Mednick (Info) |
UC Irvine |
sleep memory learning |
ken |
2006‑02‑25 |
Ming Meng (Info) |
Dartmouth |
Vision, neuroimaging, psychophysics |
remus |
2006‑07‑11 |
Dale T. Miller (Info) |
Stanford |
dcfv |
2013‑10‑29 |
George A. Miller (Info) |
Princeton |
hayden |
2005‑02‑18 |
Ida Momennejad (Info) |
Princeton |
Higher cognitive functions, PFC, Prospective memory, Task set structure, computational modeling |
idamomenn |
2012‑11‑10 |
Benoit Monin (Info) |
Stanford |
dcfv |
2013‑10‑29 |
Frederick Mosteller (Info) |
Harvard |
ajsimpson91 |
2015‑07‑01 |
Orval Hobart Mowrer (Info) |
University of Missouri - Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Princeton, Yale, Harvard, UIUC |
klevy |
2021‑12‑19 |
Vaidehi S. Natu (Info) |
Stanford |
Face perception |
vsnatu |
2007‑10‑22 |
Erik Christopher Nook (Info) |
Columbia, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton |
Emotion, Clinical Psychology, Social Neuroscience, Development |
enook |
2014‑09‑27 |
Joseph M. Notterman (Info) |
Princeton |
Behavior Analysis |
rescobar |
2011‑06‑08 |
DongWon Oh (Info) |
Seoul National University, Princeton, NYU, National University of Singapore, Columbia |
Social perception, face processing, face perception, stereotypes |
dongwonoh |
2011‑11‑03 |
Kerem Oktar (Info) |
Princeton |
disagreement, judgment, computational cognitive science |
kerem |
2023‑12‑14 |
Kristina Olson (Info) |
University of Washington |
dollychugh |
2014‑07‑16 |
Sean M. Polyn (Info) |
Vanderbilt |
Memory, Experimental Psychology, Neuroimaging, Computational modeling |
polyn |
2007‑01‑25 |
Mick Power (Info) |
Edinburgh |
Clinical Psychology |
timdalgleish |
2008‑02‑12 |
Neuro Psychology (Info) |
Neuro2012 |
2012‑10‑07 |
Joel R. Quamme (Info) |
Grand Valley State University |
Cognition, Memory, Cognitive Neuroscience |
gdetre |
2007‑07‑16 |
Harold N. Ramdass (Info) |
Princeton |
Medieval Literature, Romance Literature |
pq |
2016‑03‑01 |
John A. Reeder (Info) |
Simmons College |
Memory, Consciousness |
reeder |
2006‑10‑10 |
Brian J. Reiser (Info) |
Princeton |
kzish |
2012‑10‑22 |
Susanna T. Reynolds (Info) |
Princeton |
pq |
2015‑10‑15 |
David C. Riccio (Info) |
Kent State |
Learning & Memory; Amnesias; Animal Behavior |
mrg209 |
2010‑11‑05 |
Ann M. Russell (Info) |
Princeton |
pq |
2015‑11‑06 |
Steven J. Scher (Info) |
Eastern Illinois University |
Evolutionary Psychology, Social Psychology |
sjscher |
2011‑08‑22 |
Martin Shubik (Info) |
Yale |
GerritWolf |
2017‑12‑05 |
Burrhus Frederic Skinner (Info) |
Harvard |
Behaviorism |
hayden |
2005‑01‑18 |
Robert Earl Stake (Info) |
Educational Psychology |
jandh |
2023‑12‑26 |
Stephen B. Stallcup (Info) |
Princeton |
Medieval Literature, English Literature, Medieval History, European History |
pq |
2016‑03‑01 |
Shelley Taylor (Info) |
mdlieber |
2010‑06‑04 |
Alexa Tompary (Info) |
murtyv |
2013‑08‑29 |
Gregory Trafton (Info) |
George Mason |
kzish |
2012‑10‑22 |
Ross Eugene Traub (Info) |
Princeton |
mt2413 |
2024‑03‑30 |
Stefan E. Vander Elst (Info) |
Princeton |
Medieval Literature, Comparative Literature, English Literature |
pq |
2016‑03‑01 |
Samuel S. Wilks (Info) |
Princeton |
ajsimpson91 |
2015‑07‑01 |
Ilana B. Witten (Info) |
Princeton |
Circuit-level analysis of reward and motivation |
david |
2008‑03‑31 |
Natalie M Wittlin (Info) |
Princeton |
gender, identity, stereotyping, intergroup relations |
nmwittlin |
2023‑08‑30 |
Debbie M. Yee (Info) |
Brown |
Cognitive Control, Decision-Making |
debyee |
2013‑09‑11 |
Nick Yeung (Info) |
Oxford |
Attention and Cognitive control |
frichter |
2010‑02‑15 |
Wesley C. Yu (Info) |
Princeton |
Medieval Literature |
pq |
2016‑03‑01 |
Weiwei Zhang (Info) |
UC Riverside |
mmeng |
2007‑10‑04 |
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