Janet DiPietro

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
"Janet DiPietro"
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Jansson LM, McConnell K, Velez ML, et al. (2024) Gestational buprenorphine-naloxone exposure and fetal neurobehavior. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 104: 107368
Gerges S, DiPietro JA, Obeid S, et al. (2023) Psychometric performance assessment of the Arabic version of the pregnancy experience scale-brief version (PES-brief) in an Arabic-speaking population. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 174: 111499
DiPietro JA, Watson H, Raghunathan RS. (2022) Measuring fetal heart rate and variability: Fetal cardiotocography versus electrocardiography. Developmental Psychobiology. 64: e22230
DiPietro JA, Kivlighan KT, Voegtline KM, et al. (2021) It Takes Two: An antenatal to postnatal RDoC framework for investigating the origins of maternal attachment and mother-infant social communication. Development and Psychopathology. 33: 1539-1553
DiPietro JA, Raghunathan RS, Wu HT, et al. (2021) Fetal heart rate during maternal sleep. Developmental Psychobiology
Riis JL, Granger DA, Woo H, et al. (2019) Long-Term Associations Between Prenatal Maternal Cortisol and Child Neuroendocrine-Immune Regulation. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Voegtline KM, Johnson SB, Huang RB, et al. (2019) The bloom is (slightly) off the rose: the motherhood effect on psychological functioning in successive pregnancies. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 1-6
Jansson LM, Velez ML, McConnell K, et al. (2019) Maternal buprenorphine treatment during pregnancy and maternal physiology. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 201: 38-44
Dipietro JA, Voegtline KM, Pater HA, et al. (2018) Predicting child temperament and behavior from the fetus. Development and Psychopathology. 30: 855-870
Voegtline KM, Costigan KA, DiPietro JA. (2017) Maternal salivary testosterone in pregnancy and fetal neuromaturation. Developmental Psychobiology
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