Erin M. Kahle, Ph.D.

2013 Epidemiology University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
Epidemiology, Public Health, Virology Biology
"Erin Kahle"
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Jared M. Baeten grad student 2013 University of Washington
 (Understanding risk factors for HIV-1 infectiousness and transmission: Prospective studies in HIV-1 serodiscordant couples.)
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Ibrahim K, Kahle EM, Christiani Y, et al. (2024) Utilization of Social Media for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS: A Scoping Review. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. 17: 2443-2458
Starks TJ, Kyre K, Castiblanco J, et al. (2024) Comparing Repeated (Annual) Couples HIV Testing and Counseling to Individual HIV Testing and Counseling Among Male Couples at High Risk of HIV Infection: Protocol for a Randomized Control Trial. Jmir Research Protocols. 13: e53023
Iott BE, Loveluck J, Benton A, et al. (2022) The impact of stigma on HIV testing decisions for gay, bisexual, queer and other men who have sex with men: a qualitative study. Bmc Public Health. 22: 471
Sharma A, Paredes-Vincent A, Kahle EM. (2021) Awareness, Utilization, and Preferences for Traditional and Contemporary HIV Prevention Strategies Among Facebook and Instagram-Using MSM in the United States. Journal of the International Association of Providers of Aids Care. 20: 23259582211024770
Sharma A, Paredes-Vincent A, Kahle EM. (2021) Awareness, Utilization, and Preferences for Traditional and Contemporary HIV Prevention Strategies Among Facebook and Instagram-Using MSM in the United States. Journal of the International Association of Providers of Aids Care. 20: 23259582211024770
Sharma A, Kahle E, Sullivan S, et al. (2020) Sexual Agreements and Intimate Partner Violence Among Male Couples in the U.S.: An Analysis of Dyadic Data. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Rogers E, Mimiaga MJ, Garofalo R, et al. (2020) A Dyadic Perspective on Sexual Agreements Among Same-Sex Male Couples in the United States. Aids and Behavior
Sullivan PS, Sanchez TH, Zlotorzynska M, et al. (2020) National trends in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis awareness, willingness and use among United States men who have sex with men recruited online, 2013 through 2017. Journal of the International Aids Society. 23: e25461
Kahle EM, Sharma A, Sullivan S, et al. (2020) The Influence of Relationship Dynamics and Sexual Agreements on Perceived Partner Support and Benefit of PrEP Use Among Same-Sex Male Couples in the U.S. Aids and Behavior
Stephenson R, Todd K, Kahle E, et al. (2019) Project Moxie: Results of a Feasibility Study of a Telehealth Intervention to Increase HIV Testing Among Binary and Nonbinary Transgender Youth. Aids and Behavior
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