Colleen Norris
Affiliations: | Nursing | University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
Public Health, Mental Health, Health Care ManagementGoogle:
"Colleen Norris"Cross-listing: Nursing Tree
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Sluchinski SL, Pituskin E, Bainey KR, et al. (2020) A Review of the Evidence for Treatment of Myocardial Infarction With Nonobstructive Coronary Arteries. Cjc Open. 2: 395-401 |
Parry M, Dhukai A, Clarke H, et al. (2020) Development and usability testing of HEARTPA♀N: protocol for a mixed methods strategy to develop an integrated smartphone and web-based intervention for women with cardiac pain. Bmj Open. 10: e033092 |
Tran DT, Barake W, Galbraith D, et al. (2019) Total and Cause-Specific Mortality After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Observations From the Alberta Provincial Project for Outcome Assessment in Coronary Heart Disease Registry. Cjc Open. 1: 182-189 |
Papathanassoglou EDE, Skrobik Y, Hegadoren K, et al. (2019) Relaxation for Critically ill Patient Outcomes and tress-coping Enhancement (REPOSE): a protocol for a pilot randomised trial of an integrative intervention to improve critically ill patients' delirium and related outcomes. Bmj Open. 9: e023961 |
Sajobi TT, Wang M, Awosoga O, et al. (2018) Trajectories of Health-Related Quality of Life in Coronary Artery Disease. Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 11: e003661 |
Nagendran J, Bozso SJ, Norris CM, et al. (2018) Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Improves Outcomes in Patients With Diabetes and Left Ventricular Dysfunction. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 71: 819-827 |
Southern D, Norris C, Quan H, et al. (2018) Patient-Reported Outcomes Improves the Prediction of In-patient and Emergency Department Readmission Risks in Coronary Artery Disease International Journal For Population Data Science. 3 |
Luc JGY, Graham MM, Norris CM, et al. (2017) Predicting operative mortality in octogenarians for isolated coronary artery bypass grafting surgery: a retrospective study. Bmc Cardiovascular Disorders. 17: 275 |
Terada T, Forhan M, Norris CM, et al. (2017) Differences in Short- and Long-Term Mortality Associated With BMI Following Coronary Revascularization. Journal of the American Heart Association. 6 |
Barake W, Tran D, Galbraith D, et al. (2017) Nine Year Trends In Cause-Specific Mortality After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Observations From The Alberta Provincial Project For Outcome Assessment In Coronary Heart Disease (Approach) Registry Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 69: 986 |