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Kevin M. Swartout, Ph.D.

2011 College of Arts & Sciences: Psychology The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, United States 
 2011- Psychology Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, United States 
Social Psychology, Public Health
"Kevin Swartout"
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Jacquelyn White grad student 2011 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Neurotree)
 (The company they keep: How social networks influence male sexual aggression.)


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Alexandra L. Bellis grad student 2012-2015 Georgia State (PsychTree)


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Dominic J. Parrott collaborator (Neurotree)
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Bonnesen K, Luo R, Rothenberg R, et al. (2024) Campus climate impacts on sexual violence: a Bayesian comparison of undergraduate and community colleges. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 1-12
Salazar LF, Parrott DJ, DiLillo D, et al. (2023) Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of RealConsent2.0: a web-based intervention to promote prosocial alcohol-involved bystander behavior in young men. Trials. 24: 804
Parrott DJ, Bresin K, Hequembourg A, et al. (2023) Dyadic effects of minority stress and problematic alcohol use on sexual intimate partner violence in same sex couples. Aggressive Behavior
Koss MP, Swartout KM, Lopez EC, et al. (2021) The Scope of Rape Victimization and Perpetration Among National Samples of College Students Across 30 years. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 8862605211050103
Eckhardt CI, Parrott DJ, Swartout KM, et al. (2021) Cognitive and Affective Mediators of Alcohol-Facilitated Intimate Partner Aggression. Clinical Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 9: 385-402
Hipp TN, Borgman RA, Gilmore D, et al. (2020) Exploring the relationship between strip clubs and rates of sexual violence and violent crime. Journal of Community Psychology
Bellis AL, Swartout KM, Salazar LF. (2020) College-level perceptions of drinking, binge drinking, and sexual violence perpetration: A multilevel mediation model. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 1-8
Swartout KM, Wood L, Busch-Armendariz N. (2020) Responding to Campus Climate Data: Developing an Action Plan to Reduce Campus Sexual Misconduct. Health Education & Behavior : the Official Publication of the Society For Public Health Education. 47: 70S-74S
Brennan CL, Borgman RA, Watts SS, et al. (2020) Childhood Neglect History, Depressive Symptoms, and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration by College Students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260519900307
Kammer-Kerwick M, Wang A, McClain T, et al. (2019) Sexual Violence Among Gender and Sexual Minority College Students: The Risk and Extent of Victimization and Related Health and Educational Outcomes. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260519883866
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