Jessica K. Athens, Ph.D.

2012 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Public Health
"Jessica Athens"
Cross-listing: MathTree


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Ronald E. Gangnon grad student 2012 UW Madison (MathTree)
 (Using hierarchical Bayesian models to improve the assessment of health across U.S. counties.)
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Athens J, Mehta S, Wheelock S, et al. (2020) Using 311 data to develop an algorithm to identify urban blight for public health improvement. Plos One. 15: e0235227
Gourevitch MN, Athens JK, Levine SE, et al. (2019) City-Level Measures of Health, Health Determinants, and Equity to Foster Population Health Improvement: The City Health Dashboard. American Journal of Public Health. e1-e8
Thorpe LE, Feinberg AM, Elbel B, et al. (2017) Time to Track Health Outcomes of Smoke-Free Multiunit Housing. American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Lee DC, Yi SS, Athens JK, et al. (2017) Using Geospatial Analysis and Emergency Claims Data to Improve Minority Health Surveillance. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
Athens JK, Remington PL, Gangnon RE. (2015) Improving the Rank Precision of Population Health Measures for Small Areas with Longitudinal and Joint Outcome Models. Plos One. 10: e0130027
Athens JK, Catlin BB, Remington PL, et al. (2013) Using empirical Bayes methods to rank counties on population health measures. Preventing Chronic Disease. 10: E129
Athens J, Bekkedal M, Malecki K, et al. (2008) Measuring the environmental health of Wisconsin's counties. Wmj : Official Publication of the State Medical Society of Wisconsin. 107: 169-75
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