Bernard Guyer
Affiliations: | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD |
General Economics, Public Health, Labor EconomicsGoogle:
"Bernard Guyer"Cross-listing: Econometree
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Osterman MJ, Kochanek KD, MacDorman MF, et al. (2015) Annual summary of vital statistics: 2012-2013. Pediatrics. 135: 1115-25 |
Hamilton BE, Hoyert DL, Martin JA, et al. (2013) Annual summary of vital statistics: 2010-2011. Pediatrics. 131: 548-58 |
Hamilton BE, Hoyert DL, Martin JA, et al. (2013) Annual summary of vital statistics: 2010-2011: Editorial comment Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey. 68: 421-422 |
Mistry KB, Minkovitz CS, Riley AW, et al. (2012) A new framework for childhood health promotion: the role of policies and programs in building capacity and foundations of early childhood health. American Journal of Public Health. 102: 1688-96 |
Cheng TL, Kotelchuck M, Guyer B. (2012) Preconception women's health and pediatrics: an opportunity to address infant mortality and family health. Academic Pediatrics. 12: 357-9 |
Kochanek KD, Kirmeyer SE, Martin JA, et al. (2012) Annual summary of vital statistics: 2009. Pediatrics. 129: 338-48 |
Mathews TJ, Miniño AM, Osterman MJ, et al. (2011) Annual summary of vital statistics: 2008. Pediatrics. 127: 146-57 |
Tyus NC, Gibbons MC, Robinson KA, et al. (2010) In the shadow of academic medical centers: a systematic review of urban health research in Baltimore City. Journal of Community Health. 35: 433-52 |
Heron M, Sutton PD, Xu J, et al. (2010) Annual summary of vital statistics: 2007. Pediatrics. 125: 4-15 |
Shi L, Zhang J, Wang Y, et al. (2010) Effectiveness of an educational intervention on complementary feeding practices and growth in rural China: a cluster randomised controlled trial. Public Health Nutrition. 13: 556-65 |